Tuesday, March 04, 2025


 Silliness prevails today !

The Aliens have landed....

This guy is only a quarter of an inch long and was green.

He found a home on the outside of our windshield and went for a ride.

He kind of looks like a spaceship from my vantage point ... on the inside looking outside.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

That's my motto


Sandi said...

Finally! I have been waiting for them. 😄🖖

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I hope he enjoyed the ride! He must have some sticky fingers to be able to hang on in the wind! That was his joy ride for the day, I am certain. Thank you for your comment on my post. I just wrote a long response over there. LOL. Take care and have a blessed day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute post. I like your motto!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...


Oh my! Stay safe.

Mari said...

Isn't it surprising how long some of those insects can hang on while you're driving?

Shug said...

He certainly does look like a space ship.. Isn't it amazing how these little rascals can hang on to a windshield while the car is moving? Your sky sure looks pretty with the clouds..

Wanda said...

You are always ready for the unexpected!! What a great shot...it's the little things that bring a smile! Thanks for sharing.

Chatty Crone said...

The aliens have landed - OH NO - spring is here.