Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 Hi Friends,

I have to admit that this Summer time heat is really wiping me out.

We are into 20 + days of triple digit temperatures.

We will have 2 days of a "cooling trend" at 92F then back up for the rest of July at temps. of greater than 104F.  Mostly 106-108F.

I know I am whining but I am so over it.  Hate to see what our electric bill will be.  The AC is running almost constantly.

So what do we do??

We have a nice cold Root Beer Float..!!!

Yes indeed... Yummm-O..

I know its not on my diet but ...

I'm going to enjoy it , every last drop.. So there!  😀

Monday, July 22, 2024


 Well, I really don't have too much to say or share today.

I just thought I would tell you that we are plugging along.

Life continues to move forward and we are so grateful for our family and friends.

I got a lovely snail mail letter from my dear friend Saturday.

That was really the frosting on the cake.  Love the closeness of the written word.

We are going into another week of triple digit temperatures.

Today its suppose to be 105F.  The house really never has a chance to cool down.

Trying to get outside before it gets too toasty and pull a few weeds and give the trees a drink.

This photo really doesn't have anything to do with anything.  I just like it and maybe it is just a window on MY world.

Photo taken at my granddaughter's work.  She works for a Las Vegas hotel.

She was showing us around and I snapped this one of the view in the lounge.

Hope you all have a great week, as we come to the close of July.

Where in the world did this month go?


Always be Thankful

Always be Kind

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 Yesterday I had a "wellness doctor checkup" at our local Kaiser hospital.

It was basically just to check my blood pressure progress.

I arrived very early for my appointment so I could be calm and not suffer from the White Coat Syndrome.

Instead I was called immediately in.  I thought Oh no ... no time to gather my wits about me.

I was taken into a dimly lit room with soft candle - like lighting.  Seated at a comfy chair and asked the usual questions.  Then the nurse said lets put your feet up on this foot stool and she then put the cuff around my arm.

She said now just sit here and enjoy the soft music and look at this screensaver that showed a dripping pitcher of water and puddles of water in a soft setting.

5 minutes of "meditation" and the cuff slowly inflated , got its reading, and went down for another 2 minutes.  This was repeated 3 times to get an average BP reading.  All the while I was alone in the quiet, peaceful room.

When It was done the nurse came back in and said my readings were perfect, no changes to bp meds and I was good to go.

I have NEVER experienced something like this before and thought WoW this is really okay.

Happily, I'm good and after all the stress Dave and I been having through these past few weeks, all I can say is Praise the Lord...

He is good.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 The other day one of our Granddaughters texted me.

She said I got The Job!!!

I am so proud of her.  She wrote resumes to various job sites and went to interviews.  She's young , just 15 1/2, and this is her first chance to get an "official job"

Last afternoon was her first day of working.  She will be working the dinner shift at a Senior home.  A few hours 5 days a week and some money in the !!

She came home last night so full of excitement and loved every minute of serving the people there.  She's on her way to using her Gift of Service and Mercy.

Can you see my buttons popping?

Blessed Beyond Measure...

Always be Thankful

Always be Kind

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 One week ago Saturday I went to a relatives home for a surprise birthday party.

We were in a full week of blistering heat.

Their home is along a river.  The coolness was wonderful.

There were 20+ people there and it was just what the doctor ordered for me.

I came home refreshed and ready to face the coming days.

I am forever grateful.

Always be Thankful

Always be Kind..

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 Just an update from the last blogpost I did,

We are rebuilding our lives and the process is slow but steady.

Some of you perhaps didn't read my addendum to the last post.

Our son said he had watched a movie on NETFLIX that was all about Fraudsters and their methods.  He said it was exactly the same pattern and activity as happened to us.  The movie is called  "THE BEEKEEPER".  The language is awful but there is so much truth to what the evil people of this world are doing.

Thank you for all of your kind words and support.  The deed was done and now we move on.

So this Sagging Barn kind of says how we are feeling, but we are moving on with Life.

Not posting things on blogger has really stiffled my creative juices and the horrible heat wave we are in hasn't helped either.  Today it's suppose to be 112F again and tomorrow 111F.  Too many days in a row ... It's 89F now at 9 AM.  That's crazy for our area.

Stay Cool

Stay Safe

Always be Kind

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 I have been out of the loop for a few days.

Life got really wonky.

I won't go into great detail but we were victims of bank fraud.  Everything sounded so legitimate.  Through a process all of our money from our checking account and savings account were immediately wiped out...before we could even dial our bank.

No way to recover the funds and we have had to spend hours with bank and accounts.  Friends have stepped up through Go Fund Me and we are in recovery mode.

We just want to warn everyone that the bank never calls you (even if it sounds so right) to tell you there is a possible fraud on your account.  If someone calls just hang up, and immediately call your bank.

For a while I will be on social media very little.

No need to say what we should have done or what not to do... we already know and the damage is done.  It takes a long time to redo everything.

Grateful for all the love, kindness and support that has been shown to us.

You know, the Bad Guys are smarter than any of us on the planet and AI is cloning everything, our words, our numbers,    Everything !  ..Be vigilant... its too easy to be duped.  Even for us old Geezers that have been around for 80+ years...

 I am thankful we in the hands of God.

Just a tiny update:  We are getting through this and thanks for being kind.
Our son said he watched a movie on NETFLIX which pretty much is a great example and explains what Fraudsters are doing.
The movie is called THE BEEKEEPER... Language is R but it really is interesting.

Will be back to blogging before too long.  Really missing it.

Monday, June 24, 2024


 Saturday, Dave and I went to visit a very dear friend named Lan.  She and her husband were having a yard sale.

They have made the decision to flee our crumbling state of California.

We will miss them so much but completely understand their reasons for going.

If we could go someplace else and take the wonderful things about CA. with us, especially family, we would take off too.

This is not going to be a political rant but this isn't the "Golden State" any longer.

Lan is all too familiar with escaping difficult and horrible situations.  She, when she was a child, and her family packed themselves onto a boat (along with many thousands of people) and escaped Vietnam at the height of war and devastation.  Her testimony is amazing.  The life the family made here in the states is quite a miracle.

Gonna miss her and all the Celebrate Recovery years of serving we did over the years together.

Blessings on your New Adventures, Lan.

Friday, June 21, 2024


 Yesterday our oldest Granddaughter Lauren asked if she could come and spend some time with Dave and I before she had to return to her Hubby and her job in Las Vegas.

Of course it only took a Nano Second for us to say yes.

These one on one times to just gab and catch up on Life are the things that make us fulfilled and happy.....  AND talk we did!!

Then a few hours later her sister called and said she wanted to come by and visit too!!!

Wow, we got Double Fun.

Precious moments that are tucked in our hearts forever.

Lauren has the most gorgeous red hair but I really like this black and white that I took yesterday.

Love this quirky photo of Amanda too.  They are both so photogenic, even if her eyes are almost closed.

Snapshot Memories ... 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 The word Celebration can conjure up many different types of feelings.

Father's Day brought some heartfelt memories and feelings to my life.

Dave and I had a wonderful time being with our son Steve, Sigrid and their older daughter Lauren and Amanda and her husband Billy.

Lauren lives and works in Las Vegas, is married to a great guy and has a good career there.... BUT...

She misses her Daddy Big Time.  So she flew out to celebrate Fathers Day with him and all of us.  Steve said no gifts but I want to do a special photo shoot with Lauren.

I was watching off to the side and just had to sneak a few side shots while he was doing the big time stuff.

This first one is Steve's doing not mine..

I really love this and love these guys.  I only wish our younger son and family could have been here too.

My SNEAKY shot ... 

Lauren's Fashion Shoot.  She changed her outfits 4 times, but these is the only ones I took.

Steve and Lauren having their Daddy/Daughter date breakfast.
I do love that he has always done things like this with his girls.
One on One time to just enjoy each other.

Yesterday we had another Celebration.

This time it was a Celebration of Life.

Our dear friend Doug passed away after a long struggle with cancer.  He truly fought the good fight.

We will miss him so very much and we will always cherish the many years of memories and fun times we had together with him, his wife Karen and their 3 girls.

Friends for 65 years .. a true Life Time.

Unfortunately I folded the bulletin, but this is for my journal anyway.

This last photo is from the Celebration.

It was really a college reunion for so many of us attending.

These 2 beautiful ladies are also friends for the last 65 years!

Elizabeth on the left and MaryAnn on the right.

I think we gabbed ninety miles an hour.  We haven't physically seen each other in about 9 or 10 years.  We do keep in contact by FB and emails.

MaryAnn was Miss San Francisco back in the late 50's-early 60's , I just can't remember the exact year..  

Such sweet memories that I will cherish forever.

Even though my heart aches, I have a peace that passes all understanding in knowing where Doug is now , Free from pain and walking with the Lord.

Someday soon we will ALL have our Next Reunion on those Streets of Gold.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 I was reading Myra's latest blog post titled ... "Room with a View".

I thought to myself, Yes I am turning into Gladys Kravitz at times too.. ha ha 

My "office" is at the end of our dining room table.  Dave has the official one in our spare bedroom.

The dining room is at the front of our home so my Windows on the World face the street, which fortunately isn't a busy throughfare.

Here's my Gladys view ... 

The worse thing about taking these pictures is the discovery of how smudged and foggy our windows are.. yikes... 

I do have to say I like peeking through the trees unexposed..😊 

As I sit in my chair at my "desk", this is my other view.

To my left its my Galley kitchen and breakfast nook.  Looking beyond that is our backyard bushes.

I do love watching mamas and their kiddos in strollers trotting by and also an occasional dog and their parent.  Just as long as they pick up the deposits after stopping.  Most are nice neighbors about that.

So there you have it..

My View from my Office.

Hope you all have a great weekend and Father's Day here in the USA.

We are going to our sons for Ribs and all the trimmings tomorrow after church.


Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Boy, this week seems to have flown by..

Now it's time for Thankful Thursday again.

Even though, according to my last blog post, I am still plodding along,

It's all good.

Life rolls on...

The back continues to get better,

Getting some house projects done 

And I figured out how to make a donation from my phone which had continually been blocked on my computer.  I know its a small success to some but it was huge to me.  It has been a charity I have donated to for years.  All of a sudden I could no longer do it from the computer..  Today I was able to do it from my mobile and yay.... We are back in business.

Modern technology makes me crazy !!

We haven't seen a pretty sunset for simply ages.  I want some "pretty" soon.

Here's what we got a few days ago.

Glad for a few clouds to brighten up the photo.

Always be gracious

Always be kind

Monday, June 10, 2024


 I really don't have a whole lot to say this morning.

Back is getting better and we had a nice lunch with son Steve and his wife yesterday.

It seems I am just kind of plodding along so I thought I would post several Thoughts for the day.

So... there yah go!!

Thursday, June 06, 2024


 Some things to be thankful for today.

My back is better!  I am no longer walking listing to the side.. Hopefully a few more days and I will be back in business again.

The other day when we were coming back from the store, we spied a quail couple and their "chicks".  I pulled out my phone and tried to capture them from the car.

They are so fast and I really don't know how many babies there actually were probably about 10.

Mama was frantic.  Some of her babies got stuck in the gravel rocks in the neighbor's yard.  Mama didn't know how to free them and paced back and forth.  Finally the babies worked themselves free and Mama and papa were on their way.

So thankful for the survival of the cuties.  I know the photo isn't great but that's what you do when its just look and snap.

Those little brown smudges are the babies and papa shows in all his glory.  Mama has her back to us searching for the lost quail chick.

Another thing I am thankful for today is our older son's return yesterday from 2 weeks in Uganda.  He was the photographer and photography teacher for the team

This team of 4 besides Steve were there to do a teaching conference for Christian pastors and church leaders.

The conferences were successful, friends were made, everyone stayed healthy and Steve ended up getting some wonderful photos.  I am so looking forward to seeing and hearing all about his time there.

Sorry the photo is blurry.  The transition from my phone to Picasa wasn't successful.

Our son is the bald one on the right.  The others are all pastors at our church.

Final thankfulness for today's post.

We sold 2 more items on eBay and have a bit more moola in our account..

Yay for us.

Always Be Thankful

Always Be Kind

Monday, June 03, 2024


 Dave said you need to go out and take a picture or two of our Manzanita Tree.

The bark is shedding.  I love the colors and curly pieces up and down the trunk.

No sun today and we have some pretty windy gusts too.

Tomorrow its suppose to be 100F...  Goodie ... Goodie ... NOT !

Dave's are better but at least I have a record of it.

Hope this week is great for all of you.

Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Situations haven't changed but I wanted to thank all of you for your words of encouragement and prayers.

These touched my heart.  I so appreciate this "Family".

I thought I would give you a little follow up on our "Nicaraguan" son and what's going on with him.

Way back in 2006 Dave and I went to Nicaragua to visit several missions that our church..Bethel Christian Church supported.  Our leader and guide was Erick and his lovely wife Karla.  We just clicked! and had so many great talks and laughs.  Erick spoke very good English though his wife didn't speak too well.  They asked if we could be their US Mom and Dad .. not financial support but just family.

All these years we have kept in touch (thankful for the internet).  They are poor as is the majority of the nation, so we communicated by the local internet cafe.  Now as years have gone by they do have cell phones to use on a limited basis.

About 1 year ago Erick began to get sick and last August found him in the hospital critically ill.  Doctors' diagnosis is Viral Encephalitis.  Some recover from it but it doesn't look good for Erick.

He is now home but is unable to talk, walk, feed himself or care for himself.

Karla texted me yesterday and said she is so tired from caring for him.  She has to do it all.  Erick's family has given up on him and will not help in anyway.  Karla says she is so lonely too.  Their son is 6 and Erick is 45 .. so young.  I am hoping their church gives her relief once in a while too.  Karla wants to get a job but can't because of the full time "job" of caring for Erick.

Breaks my heart.  We can't go there, They can't come here..  Only God can work all of this tragedy out.

Thanks for reading through this and for your kindness.

I don't know what the answers are for this wonderful young man and his wife and son.

The only thing I can do is Pray and give it all to Him.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 My heart is a bit heavy today.

Life does have its ups and downs.

I just got a text from our Nicaraguan "son's" wife.  She was asking for peace and strength.  Her English isn't too good so she doesn't give details.  Erik has an incurable disease and things apparently don't look good.  Its hard to be away from those you love and will never see again until heaven.

Our older son is in Uganda for 2 weeks doing photography documentaries for our church.  He is doing photos and video for the conferences going on in town.  Its difficult for him because they are 10 hours ahead and the brain has a hard time adjusting.  He says this type of photography isn't fostering his creative juices.  Praying that he will find some special people and interesting things to shoot to help the very mundane days sparkle a bit.  I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but knowing our son and his style  and knowing this doesn't feed his soul.  People just sitting in a line on a stage doesn't help with creativity.  I know he will do his very best but I want more for him.

My back is better not well but we are on our way.  Thankfully.

Our younger son's wife is having some physical issues and is going to have an MRI in a few weeks to rule out MS.  Prayers appreciated for her too.

I do know God is in control, but Life seems hard sometimes.  I love these people with all my heart.

Always be Thankful

Always be Kind

Monday, May 27, 2024



My Father in Law



Always be thankful

Always be kind

Thursday, May 23, 2024


 Yesterday while doing some stretching exercises I really pulled my hip muscle.

As the day moved on I found that I couldn't stand up straight or walk too well.

Bending over pulling weeds didn't hurt me at all.  It was the straightening up and moving that hurt.

So I went back inside and just vegged in my recliner, fixed an oven dinner and just became a blob.

Dave made this sign and plopped it down at our dinner table.  He said , "these are your direct Orders!"

Isn't He something else???

I love his creative ways about him.

Today I am much better, it still hurts but I can straighten up and walk without listing..I am using my cane and "Behaving" as Ordered!

Thankful Thursday...

Thankful I am better and thankful for such a great and caring husband.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 Today is our Granddaughter's wedding anniversary.

Two years already!!

We love Amanda and her wonderful husband Billy so much.

Theirs is a Christ centered marriage and it shows.

Amanda finishes her first year of teaching 6th grade in another week.

She's ready to do it again in the fall.

Billy in a few weeks,will be on staff at our church being a youth advisor and specializing in Biblical counseling.  All this while completing his seminary degree.

Can you see my buttons popping?

I could show a gazillion more photos but I will restrain myself.

Billy and Amanda did an amazing dance routine for everyone and then she and her dad Steve shocked and surprised us all with another dance routine.

I think it was the most fun wedding I have ever been to.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


 I feel in the need of a smile or two today.

Back into the archives I go...

I love this photo of Dave and the Alpaca from a few years ago.

We had gone on a Barn Tour and saw these adorable critters.

Photo Op in the making!

Enjoy your weekend!

Always be kind...

Always be thankful... 

Thursday, May 16, 2024


 The only good Cockroach is a Dead Cockroach!!!

Our town and the next one over are being invaded by these creepy bugs.

Last year was the first time in years that we had them coming into our homes.

Well this is the season and they are coming out in force.

We have sprayed and I killed 3 last night  running around on our floor.

Man, they are fast!

Our neighborhood page on FB is telling the tales of woe all over our town.

UGH !!

Our house is clean so I don't know what they are looking for...

I just keep looking around all the time I'm sitting here at the computer.

When they are "belly up" that makes me happy.

So for Thankful Thursday I will say " a Dead Roach is a Good Roach"

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 First of all, Dave and I want to thank you for all the kind words of comfort you shared with us.

Its wonderful to have a "World-Wide Family" to share our moments with.

We are still working on our backyard jungle.

Actually things are farther along than these 2 photos show.  Its lots of hard work but it will get's what keeps us "Young"... (maybe)

Gonna get it All Done!!!

At least our grapes seem to be thriving.  We may have a few bunches if we can get to them before the birds.

Always be Kind

Always be Thankful