Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 I haven't done a whole lot the last few days.  Been a little under the weather.

When I get a cough it really wipes me out.

So this will be the extent of my blog post today.

I am better and we do have our bible study group here tonight but I don't have to do a thing .

Someone is bringing pizza and others are bringing the side dishes..

Win win for me...😌

Have a great day...

Saturday, September 07, 2024


 I thought I would throw a few more photos of our Serving in Kenya and the safari we took after our work there.

This is Mama Joyce's home.  We ate several meals in there by kerosene lantern.

Mama Joyce was the Matriarch of this particular group of people.  Somehow I can't find her photo among the thousands I have...

A Ha I found the photo of Mama Joyce.  She was the first person in her tribe to accept the Lord and became the pastor over her people.  Her son Pastor Simon became the pastor because of her Godly influence.

Termite mounds every where.

Jessica and I with a sweet young boy walking in the Rift Valley.
We were like the Pied Pipers where ever we went.
I don't thin this boy had any shoes on either.

Oops, I didn't mean to post this one but I can't seem to remove it.  Its from the Little Lambs Orphanage.  Doing a singing game.  That's me on the left in the light blue shirt.

This is the Elder Solomon and part of his family.
Old Masai tradition can be seen here.  The stretching of the ear lobes.

This photo is a favorite of mine.  I showed him pictures of he and his family.  Spoke so little English but was so warm and kind.

I was so excited that we were able at the last minute to go on a safari.  It is very expensive but a wonderful local friend was able to get us a considerable discount.

So we were able to go on an overnight adventure.  We stayed in lovely tents with all the amenities of home.. What a stark contrast from what we had been living in... .

We rode in terrific vans with our group.  The Southern group was with us too.

We were right in the middle of the Cape Buffalo herd...noisy and a bit smelly.

They are huge and can be dangerous if provoked.

We saw many elephants.  I called this one  Mr. One Tusk

herds of zebra


We went to the Hippo watering hole.  What amazing huge creatures these are.

I zoomed in for this shot.  I wasn't that close ... close BUT Not that close.
Dave is on the right, taking a few photos too.

Lions hiding in the tall grass.  You can see a young lion off to the right.

How many can you find?

I could go on and on with the animals that we saw but I will leave you with these parting photos.

This "little" guy walked right up to our van.  He wanted to get a good look at us.

I just love his "Smile"

Great memories of serving in Kenya and Great memories of seeing  out in the wild some of God's Creation.

For all of its faults we do live in a wonderful world.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 First of all ... thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments on my previous blog post.

It truly was a day that filled up our Memory Bank.

Now on to another episode of volunteering for mission work.

This time it is to Kenya, Africa.  What a beautiful, exotic and full of wonderful people "world" it is.

Dave and I went there for another 2 week trip to do and help where ever was needed and to share the gospel.

We arrived in Nairobi which is the capital of Kenya and traveled to Kijabe which is in the Rift Valley.  Very high elevation of 8000 ft and the valley floor was at 6500 ft.

After a few days at the Rift Valley Academy (school for the students of missionary parents) we were off to the Valley floor and our exciting projects to come.  There were 6 of us as a team.

You can see the rich red earth of the volcanic dirt, which got into everything...

Preparing our Accommodations  for the duration.

One for the guys, one for the gals and one for our leader and extra "things"

See the ring of branches around our tents?  That was protection from critters and mostly for the curious kiddos that wanted to be with us 24/7.

Kim seemed to know how to smile and engage the kids with so much ease.

This area and settlement was called Namuncha.  Very poor Masai goat herders .

Brian and the Masai Pastors son Moses.

We came to work on the community center/church both physically and through our finances to buy supplies.
And Work we did...

Me breaking up the uneven foundation so cement floor could be poured.

Sifting the dirt to get the gravel, rocks and junk out so the cement/sand could be mixed

I loved working along side of this lovely Masai woman.  We got a lot done with a whole lot of smiling and shoveling.

My Hubby and Jessica doing a lot of hard labor too.

Mudding the walls for the main room.
See the men in suits?  They felt it was such an honor that we would come to help them that they wanted to show their appreciation and make it an official happening.

Beautiful Veronica and her baby Ruth

Pastor Simon and his wife Eunice

I just have to share some of the kids who were always around and fascinated with us.

Eunice cooking Chapati (bread) for the kids of the settlement.

Jaquline and her friend.  So sweet.

This is Mary and her baby.  She seems like a baby herself.
Mary actually had learned some English at school and we had a bit of conversation together.
She kept having this worried look on her face and I thought I had said something that culturally was wrong .
Finally she sighed and touched my hair.  She said with a shy smile "Soft".  Kenyan hair is coarse and wirey.  She just couldn't help herself and had to touch my red hair.  I was thrilled.  It was such a touching moment of trust and boldness.  I Never will forget it.

This says it all...
The trip was worth every penny .
No Colors in Heaven!

Church service in the unfinished building.

Never got those shoes clean after our time there.

 We also served with a college group from Georgia at the Little Lambs Orphanage.
Sang songs and played games together.  it was a rich time for all of us.  Dave and I are still in touch with 3 or 4 of those college kids to this day.  Now they are parents themselves.

Hokey Pokey works in any language.

Hand motion songs always go over well.

We also went out to visit a Compassion International Site called Karima Child Development Centre to distribute food and they in turn entertained us with dances and singing.

I wish you could have heard their voices and could actually see all the colorful clothes.

Even the teachers and some of the Compassion people danced and sang for us.

We went out into the Bush to check on some families and bring them necessities.

This entire family lived in a one room building.  Dave said they were refuges from the civil war between two factions in Kenya.  It is so hard to see such poverty and terror.

This is Winnie and 2 of her children. I think she had 5.  Her husband left her with nothing.  She has HIV Aids because of his life style.  There were 2 beds in the room and an Empty Pot for food.  Because of her HIV Aids she has been shunned.  We brought her blankets, a new mattress and staples.  I was asked to pray for her and the family.  I wrapped my arms around her  to pray.  She was shocked and didn't know how to receive my love.  God gave me a prayer which I don't remember as soon as it was out of my mouth. and I  began to feel her acceptance of me and the prayer.  You know  ..  When you are obedient , The Walls are Broken.  I have no idea how the rest of her story goes but I truly believe God did a work in her life.  Probably the first time in a very long time that she felt Human Touch.  
I am getting teary eyed just writing this.

I think this is where I'm going to leave this part of the Kenya story for a few days.

More to come in a different vane.

Pastor Simon's tee shirt..

His Goal