Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 Today would be my Dad's 119th birthday.

He's been gone for 39 years  and I miss him all the time.

He was so creative and a great photographer.  He loved the Lord and was the best Bible teacher.

I know I have posted this photo before but it shows what a stylish man he was.

I believe this photo is from 1931.

Happy Birthday Daddy.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind 

Saturday, February 15, 2025


 Happy Love Month !

I know this is a day late but the sentiment is still the same.

I wish you all the love and joy today and always.

After being with my friend Lynne yesterday, I was ready to spend some time with my Hubby and we went out to our favorite Burger Joint to celebrate Valentines Day.

It was a much needed happy ending to the day.

The place is called Squeeze Burger and boy are their burgers delicious.                         They are definitely a splurge to the diet.  Charles (the owner) had a special of 2 entrees, 1 large fries and 2 small drinks for $25.00 .  You can't even go to McDonalds for that nowadays!

My order was a SQUEEZE with Cheese...  the best ground meat and the best cheese plus all the lettuce, tomatoes, pickle and onions.  I know... poor arteries ... but oh my, was it good 

Dave got the steak sandwich which is his go-to favorite meat of all.

Messy but oh so delicious.

We were two happy campers....

One has to splurge once in a while.

Always be grateful

Always be Kind 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


 Well, the weather prognosticators were right.

It rained all night but it wasn't stormy in our area.  We are suppose to get steady rain all day and gusty winds.  So far the winds haven't done their thing.

I went out in our backyard to scope things out.  There are more almond blossoms appearing.  I hope the blossoms will make it.

Our almond tree is very old and doesn't do well producing the nuts.

We are never sure when to pick them and often they haven't been pollenated.

We sure need the bees around here.

Since this is Thankful Thursday I will say that I am so thankful for the Nature we have right here in our own backyard.  I'm also grateful for the rain stopping now and then so the water can run off.  I am thankful for our utility pumps that come to our rescue when things get a bit "puddley".

Stay warm... Stay dry... Have a great day!



Monday, February 10, 2025


 I went out in our backyard a few minutes ago.

I wanted to get up close and personal to see how the Almond Buds were doing.

They are so ready to burst.  If we can get a few days of sunshine they will do their thing !!  Hopefully before the next rains are predicted for Wednesday and Thursday.

The blossoms will be snow white with pinkish centers.

Just having a bit of fun with the post processing.

Don't forget to enlarge these to see the detail better.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Saturday, February 08, 2025


 Thank the Lord !  I do believe we are better and there are better days ahead.

Now to get our energy back and it's onward to Spring.

The almond tree in our backyard is ready to pop.

Most of the trees aren't quite ready yet.

That bird seems to be patiently waiting for Spring too.

Like I said.. we have to crank up the energy..😀

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Wednesday, February 05, 2025


 When reading about  HodgePodge Wednesday it got me to thinking.

Yes, there is something that seems like we are in the Groundhog cycle.

The endless cycle of meds.  Prescription...over the counter.... and good ole' honey and lemon juice...

Praying that our "Groundhog Day" is finally finishing...

Yesterday was stormy.  Raining and windy the whole night and day...

Now it is squeaky bright and shiny out in our backyard.

This was taken through our sliding door so its a bit smudgy.

52F  Really nice in the sunshine....

The Groundhog cycle will be tomorrow since rain is in the forecast again.                 At least the earth gets a chance to drain a bit.

Hopefully we can get out there in the near future and get some weeding done before it turns into a jungle again.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Monday, February 03, 2025


 Dave and I thank you for all the beautiful sentiments and well wishes, both for our health and for our anniversary.

We didn't do anything but stay home and have sandwiches for our celebration.  That was just fine with us.  We will get out and go out to dinner SOON .

I really believe we have turned the corner and are on our way to "Normal" I'm not sure what that is any more ..

There is no rhyme or reason to the photos I will post today.  I was going through some of my photo archives and thought they would do for Monday Meanderings. 

Do you ever see faces in flowers?

We finally are getting some rain.
Don't forget to enlarge these photos.  The detail is much better.

When YOU sometimes feel like this....

Then ....

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind 

Friday, January 31, 2025


 How can it even be  61 Years !

Happy Anniversary to us.  I am so glad I met my wonderful husband so many years ago.  College is good for something .. HaHa .. 

We have been through a lot over the years but I wouldn't trade any of it (even the hard difficult things).  I do believe it has made us stronger people and a stronger couple.  The Lord has always been our Cornerstone.

I thought I would share a few photos of us through the years.  There's not going to be a current one from the last few days.. No one wants to see us in the midst of a cold and icky times.

Gosh...we sure were young (and skinny)

We love our family and all the fun times we get to have together.

Building Memories

One of our favorite places is Lake Tahoe.  We don't drive up there any longer.
Makes me sad but we cherish the memories.

This was taken last year for our 60 year celebration.
San Francisco is  the best of memories for us.

In closing, 

As we walk into the closing years of our lives there is no other person I would rather do that journey with.

Love you Dave...

Here's to many more years of "Bliss".

Wednesday, January 29, 2025



Thank you dear friends for all of your well wishes.  Hopefully this horrible "crud" is on its way out.  

Dave got prescription meds yesterday from a phone appointment with a doctor.  He just started them yesterday afternoon.  We will see if they do some good.

Of course, not to be outdone, I have now developed the cough (not anywhere as bad as Dave's) and am constantly blowing my nose.  Will THIS never end?

I was reading Pamela Steiner's blog this morning.  She was doing a fun photo scavenger hunt.  I decided to give it a try too.  That's about all the energy I have..piddling on the computer!

This is the January #54 link up for morecoffeebrakes.blogspot.com

Photos ... Blanket,  Moon,  Square,  Logo,   At Home,   On My Plate 

Since we have been pretty much stuck at home the following are from my archives.

What I like about this kind of blog post is it makes one look at everyday things and the world around in a whole new way.  Nothing has to be perfect or professional.  Its how one sees their world.


This is a cherished and well worn blanket that my Mother in Law made.  She Always had knitting needles in her hands and did the most elegant work.  It's been Dave's go to blanket while sleeping in the recliner.


I know I just posted this one but is such a beautiful example of the Wolf Moon

This was seen from our front yard.


Dave and I being framed Squarely for the camera.

What a fun trip to Las Vegas last year.


I took some liberties with this suggestion.                                                                     The cup was given to me by my Granddaughter.  She calls me Grams.  That's the best logo I can think of, being her Grandma.

At Home: 

Our comfy family room.  This is where we do most of our living.  We love our Forever Home.

On My Plate:

I'm going to end this post with a silly plate.

Do any of you remember Rocky and Bullwinkle?  It was a funny cartoon on TV way back in the Dark Ages.  They were sponsored by General Mills and Cherrios.

Thanks for taking a look.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Monday, January 27, 2025


 Good morning...

Dave and I are still under the weather but I thought I would share something that came up on my FaceBook memories this weekend.

I have posted this before but since I have many new blog friends I thought I would do it again.

This is a photo of my Daughter in Law's father, Thoralf.  I captured this picture of him in our backyard quite a few years ago.

The memory that came up on FB was about the passing of him 10 years ago.

Thoralf and his son Bernard were taking a walk in a large East Bay park  of California.

Bernie and his dad were walking very slowly since Thoralf was 93 yrs old.                       After a while Bernie kept saying Dad, you're shuffling.  Pick up your feet.               Thoralf said I AM picking up my feet and walking just fine (true strong Norwegian attitude)

All of a sudden in the middle of a step Thoralf slumped to the ground and was gone.  When all the officials came to take our dear friend away, Bernard asked one of the men there.." What is that line with numbers on the ground where Thoralf had fallen."

The man said that was the ending line for a race that had happened a few days earlier.  So...

Thoralf had run Life's Good Race and had literally stepped across the finish line.    One step on earth and the next step in Heaven.!

This gives me chills every time I think about it.  

Thoralf was a wonderful man.  He loved God, his family and friends.  He never met a stranger. Thoralf was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather.  And he was our friend.  I still miss him even after 10 years.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 Good Morning !!

My camilla bush is blooming like crazy.  Its laid a carpet of bright pink on the ground and offered wonderful goodies for the little birds today.                                  The hummers love it too.  Wish I could capture a photo of them as they flit by.

I really love the bright spots  when everything else is dull.

We are still fighting the ickies at our house.  The cough just never seems to go away.  I am so tired of it.  That's why I am enjoying my flowers in the otherwise bleak start to my day.

So...maybe I will have to make some cookies to drown out my "sorrows"

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Monday, January 20, 2025


 This post is about MY Memories from 64 years ago !

I had the privilege of playing in my award winning high school band.

In 1961 we were chosen through many competitions to march in President Kennedy's Inaugural Parade.

The day before the inauguration there was a monumental blizzard and the temperatures were much like what happened today for the celebration.

When we marched down Pennsylvania Avenue the temps. rose to 32F.  That's very hard on instruments.  Some of our drum skins cracked because they were frozen and our reeds on the wind instruments  wanted to freeze too.

There were many delays and so when it was our time to step off and march it was later in the afternoon.  They made us practically run instead of march because everything was running late.  But we did it with our lungs bursting.  

I have always kicked myself for being so proper and in such strict marching mode that I did not turn my head to see Pres. Kennedy as we passed his observation area.  Others did.  He actually stayed for the entire parade which was a very long time.

The first photo is our official photo in front of the capitol.  I am in the 3rd row up  Standing on the right last person.  All that can be seen of me is my hat plume.  Too short..

This photo is taken from the tv screen so its not too clear.

This is us running, and marching around the corner , with our lungs burning but so excited to be there.

We actually are in really good straight lines considering what we were asked to do.

Lots of practice makes perfect.

This is my memory post and I will not be commenting on anything that is happening today as far as our current inauguration is concerned.  This is not a political post for or against....

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Sunday, January 19, 2025


 Happy Sunday !!

Our very kind next door neighbors gifted us with some absolutely perfect, sweet delicious Meyer lemons from their tree.

They smell divine and taste that way too.  I love a slice in my water especially.  It does help me drink more than I would otherwise.

I wish you could smell that fragrance today.

Since we have been "out of commission" for so long, our backyard is getting out of hand.  All of our hard work during the summer and fall has now gone to seed.

Here's hoping we can get caught up before things get too far gone for us.

We are suppose to be getting some rain next month.  Sure like to get some weeds dug out before then... but as I said on FaceBook,  my Umph isn't helping get it done!

Our yard is so large that it is daunting sometimes.

Here's to better days ahead.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Friday, January 17, 2025


 I sure don't know how the weeks keep getting faster .

It seems it was just the weekend, and now its here again.

Yesterday was a good day for us.

We gathered some money together and went out for brunch.  Nice to just have a date with no worries looming over our heads.

When we came home Dave and I had a long visit via phone with some friends we have known for about 50 years.  Dave used to be Clyde's boss at Sears but the relationship went so far beyond that.  As couples we developed deep friendships.  They have moved to Colorado but we still keep in touch.  I sure wish they lived closer.

Its another day of sunshine and no rain in the forecast.  We do need that wet stuff but since I am going to my caregiving duty in a few...I am glad it isn't gloomy.

Hope your weekend is great too.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


 As I was taking the garbage out to the curb last night 

I was stunned by the amazing sight I saw.

The Mundane of Life paled by the glorious moon rising at about 5:30 pm.

The sky was beautifully lavender and the moon had a golden glow around it.

I am so thankful I was able to enjoy its beauty.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Monday, January 13, 2025


 I haven't got much to say this morning.

Nothing dire or particularly troubling,  just the world in general...

But I am looking out my window at another bright, sunny day with the temperatures in the low 40'sF.  I have been watching some robins and lots of little flitty birds doing the "Spring Time Thing".

I guess they don't know what the season is!!  

Wish I could capture them with my camera but they are just too darn fast and skittish, so I guess we will just have to pretend...😌

Had a decent night's sleep...paid some bills and now I am cruising "Blogdom."

Hope all is well with you.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 I just can't imagine being in the devastation happening in Southern California right now.

We have known people in both this fire and the ones we had a few years ago up in our area of Northern California.

Its difficult to understand the feelings of those involved.  Watching it on the news is one thing ( which allows us to remove ourselves from the whole thing.) and its another to know friends personally involved.

What does one do?

I find I really can't watch too much of it.  It just eats away at me.

What can I do?  Contribute to a reputable charity like Convoy of Hope that gets in there and does practical help and of course pray for all those involved.

Then I have to look out my "office" window and see God's magnificent creation and feel the peace that passes all understanding.

Always be Thankful

Always be Kind

Wednesday, January 08, 2025


 Many of you have been asking if we are okay.

Yes we are ...

The terrible Firestorms in Southern California have caused so much devastation.

We are 400 miles from those infernos.  

Prayers for those that have lost loved ones and so many have lost their homes and property.

The Santa Anna winds are violent and relentless, coming in and blowing and gusting at between 80 to 100 miles per hour !!!  

So. Cal. has had so little rain and moisture that everything is a tinderbox.

I know several friends that live down in that area.  I am praying they are alright.

Thanks for asking and just continue to keep everyone in your prayers.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Monday, January 06, 2025


 Here's to Monday!!

It's the start of another week of the new year.

Today I felt like posting some random, hither and thither thoughts that have no rhyme or reason  ....  other than I just felt like it .... 👀😏😜

What to do with leftover ham?  

Why make a pot pie for dinner ... we have been battling colds and general yuckiness so I wanted something simple that would work for several meals.

When I went to make it I found I only had one tube of crescent rolls in the fridge.  That will only make the bottom crust of the pie.  What to do?

I made my mix of meat, gravy and veggies and spread it in the pan... got out my frozen Tater Tots and sprinkled them on top and Wah-la..my "pie" was ready.  It was so yummy and only took minutes to bake.

Easy Peasy... my kind of meal.

So Good !

At last we have sold a few more things on eBay.

The first was a faux fur hat to a lovely lady in Wisconsin, just in time for their Freeze.

Next is an Awaji pottery Japanese vase.  We think this was acquired by Dave's folks when they were stationed in Hawaii in the 1930's.                                              The vase has a bamboo wrap and the iconic colors of that era.  Its not my style and so we are glad it is going to someone who will enjoy it.  It is out of our storage so its a win/win for everyone.

And a last random thought for today.

I saw this sign many, many years ago when we were working a Trade Show in New Orleans.  It intrigued me , so I snapped it for posterity.

I guess my post today is about as random as they come

It is what it is ... 

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind