Saturday, October 12, 2024



This isn't the "Northern Lights" but our gorgeous sunset last night.

I needed the Peace of the sky to settle my mind.

The last 2 weeks have been full of ups and downs.  I have found my emotions all over the board.

First of all we lost a very close friend suddenly.  Sometimes it's difficult to work one's way through all of it.  He has such a wonderful testimony.  I think I will do a separate post about him sometime soon.

My Hubby Dave had a sever bout of Diverticulitis.  We were ready to go to the ER but the advice nurse said to go to our primary care dr. the following day, which we did.  He put Dave on an antibiotic and his "gut" is healing.  We both had little sleep that first night.  (that was after me bragging about getting the first full nights sleep in a very long time!)

I'm so glad he is better and we can just get on with our lives.

Lastly I'm asking for prayer.

I can't go into details but one of our Step Granddaughters is in a Mental Health Crisis.  Its really serious and a miracle would be such an answer to prayer.  My heart aches for the whole family and even though she isn't related by blood, she is part of our family.  God Knows and we leave it with Him.

Thank you for being our Blog Family.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Rose said...

I am so sorry all of this is happening...glad your husband is recovering...I will pray for your step granddaughter.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, no! While we were all watching Mad Milton on the East coast, you were dealing with different, very real crises of your own. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend AND that Dave was made to wait before finding relief. I'm adding your bonus granddaughter to my prayers. God's got this!

Rian said...

I will add your step granddaughter and Dave to my prayers too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your sky photo is gorgeous! I am so sorry about your step granddaughter; I have been praying for her peace and comfort. Diverticulitis can be so painful, I have had it so many times for many years. I'm sorry about your friend, this is one of the worst things about getting older.

Mari said...

The sunset is beautiful.
I'm sorry about your husband and step-granddaughter. Praying for both!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had an emotional couple of weeks. Poor Dave with his diverticulitis. I’ve had that and it’s not pleasant. I hope you is better now. When our friends pass, it is hard for us but glorious for him.
Prayers for your granddaughter. 🙏🏻

Shug said...

Diverticulitis is so painful. I feel for your husband, but thank goodness he now has the meds. Prayers that he heals quickly. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers for you all. and... Prayers for your granddaughter and your family as I know that this affects the whole family. There is much power in prayer and I stand in the gap with you, lifting all these needs before our Heavenly Father.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. I am so sorry that your granddaughter is experiencing this. I will pray for a miracle. And boy my husband has the diverticulitis - you have to be careful - hope he is okay.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry to hear about your friends passing. ((HUGS)) Sorry to hear about Dave's diverticulitis. Glad he is starting to feel better. Praying for your Granddaughter. You take care and God Bless.

Marie Smith said...

Prayers for your step granddaughter. Hope Dave continues to feel better! Losing a friend is never easy. Thinking of you and your family!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I'm so glad your hubby is feeling better now, but sorry he had to go through that without much help during the pain. That is miserable stuff! And yes, I will pray for your step granddaughter. No matter how related, she is loved and in need of knowing that she is loved by her loving heavenly Father. May Jesus break through the pain and heartache and show her his marvelous love and kindness and mercy that will bring healing to her wounded spirit. God knows exactly what she needs. I hope you are able to get back to a good nights sleep again soon. That sunset is glorious!! (((hugs))) to you dear friend across the country!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention the passing of your dear friend. I know how that hurts. May God comfort your hearts in knowing your friend is at peace and not in any kind of suffering or pain, and one day you will see him again. But still, it hurts to lose a friend here on earth. They are so few and far between anymore. (((hugs))) again.

Michelle said...

Sending prayers your way.

Wanda said...

Oh Sue, so very sorry to hear this. Been off the blog for a while dealing with our own issues. So glad Dave is getting better, and it's never easy losing a dear friend. Got a call from my sis last night that they were taking her hubby by ambulance to the hospital, think he had a stroke. Will get an update today.
This world is full of trouble...praise God He IS in control even when things are falling apart. Holding you in our hearts and prayers.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

A lot on your plate, Sue.
Just prayed for you and Dave, and for your step-granddaughter too.

Martha said...

Sending love and prayers for every situation.

sandy said...

So sorry Sue, to read about Dave but glad he is getting better and also your step granddaughter. Prayers for her.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Sue I missed the earlier post about your Dave and your granddaughter. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but by coming late I know that your husband is improving (and I hope that still continues to be true). Very best wishes for your (Dave's) granddaughter too -- I know that will be a long hard road to recovery but with love and care she has a good chance. Miracles do happen -- I always think the fact that any of us are alive and well at any time is a miracle in itself. So much can go wrong. But so much is right!!