Tuesday, October 15, 2024


 Good Morning and Thank You !

First I would like to thank all of you for your love and concern for Dave and I and our family.

Dave is doing so much better.  Antibiotics work wonders.

No more information on our step granddaughter.  Would appreciate continued prayers for her mental health.

Well ... I finally did it ... 

I swallowed my pride ... 

I got hearing aids.  I got so tired of missing conversations and annoying Dave with my "what" and "could you please repeat that."

There is a lot to get used to and I am still figuring out the whole thing.  Just getting used to something in my ear and getting them in right is the first process.  I am testing the different volumes and trying to not blast myself  (haha)

Not expensive but I think they will do the trick for me in these "sunset years".

We went to a parking lot sale last Saturday and I got a new chest for my "Office",

AKA   The end of the Dining room Table.

I am really excited to have this piece of furniture.

Now I can corral all of my Debris and actually know where it can be found.

Its a bit higher than I would have liked but the price was right and the whole thing is solid wood and heavy.  No particle board or cheap hardware.

Next on the agenda is deciding what goes where and filing papers in some semblance of order.

One day at a time..

Going Forward...

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


Ginny Hartzler said...

The drawers are beautiful and look brand new! I'm so glad Dave is doing better. What kind of hearing aids did you get? Did you go to an audiologist, or pick one up at a store? Phil has tried at least three, none really worked and he returned two sets.

Rian said...

Glad Dave is doing better. Will continue to pray for your granddaughter. Miracles do happen. And just wanted to say that I'm about a year new to hearing aids myself. I too got tired of asking people to repeat and not following conversations. But what really got me to bite the bullet was hearing that hearing loss could lead to dementia. No one wants that.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad Dave it doing well and good luck with your hearing aids.

Ann said...

Way to go on getting the hearing aids. I've had mine since 2019. My husband used to get so mad at me because I couldn't hear him. Unfortunately he passed away before I got mine. It's an adjustment when you first get them and all the sounds can get a bit overwhelming at times.

Mari said...

I'm glad Dave is doing better, will keep praying for your step-granddaughter.
Good for you for the hearing aides. We need to check into that for my husband.
Nice chest!
I like your last photo - a sunflower isn't it?

Shug said...

you did great with this purchase. Glad that Dave is better and continued prayers for both he and your granddaughter. I know this can be a difficult situation for you. My husband got hearing aids about a year ago...He has good days with them and bad days. I think the worse part for him is the background noise. I'm excited for you and I know it will help with conversations.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for your quick answer! Phil's are not technically hearing aids, they are called amplifiers. He had spent a bundle on the Costco ones, several thousand. After several adjustments by the professional, he turned them in. Costco has shut down their hearing department, I have read. Sometimes I think that price has no meaning, and depending on the person, cheaper can work just as well. His cheap amplifiers work much better than the Costco ones did.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I'm so glad Dave's recovering. (Still praying!)
Way to go on that chest; it looks so much nicer than my old filing cabinet. Tom's been in hearing aids now for 6 years. I've a love/hate relationship with the things b/c they 'blue tooth' to the television and I have to wave my hand if I want to talk. Oh vey, modern technology!

Sparky said...

So sorry Dave has been unwell! Get well soon. I probably need hearing aids too but am not ready to get them yet.
I'm doing OK. The drama with the storms left me with mild PTSD. It's been pretty rough but I'll survive. Just whining. *lol* Got tired of blogging. If you wanna contact me feel free to "friend" me on FB (Pamela D Hudson) or e-mail at redbirdacres @ gmail.com .

Shammickite said...

Hearing aids are marvellous inventions. I resisted hearing aids for so long.... something about if you have hearing aids you are OLD..... but now I wouldn't be without them!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

It’s good to hear Dave is getting better. And yes, continuing prayers for your granddaughter. Great deal on that chest! Have fun reorganizing everything - that’s always fun when you have a new place to put it all in.
I think it’s great you got the hearing aids. I still have good hearing - too good because I hear things I don’t want to hear, like a drippy faucet down the hall. My husband suffers from tinnitus that is a service related disability- it’s really bad and not much they can do. He’s taken some workshop at the VA on how to overcome it mentally - little tricks that do absolutely nothing! Once you get used to your hearing aids, I would think it will be much better. Just don’t do what my father-in-law used to do - he would turn them off and we had to remind him to turn them on. We think he did it intentionally! lol.

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad Dave is getting better and I hope your granddaughter does too. I am so proud of you to get hearing aides so people do not have to ask what you said a million times - my husband needs them.

Rose said...

I do continue to pray for your granddaughter...glad that Dave is getting better. One of these days I may have to resort to hearing aids and don't know how I will like having something in my ear.

Marie Smith said...

You’ll hear more than you want for a while…maybe. It will be an adjustment but worth it I hope.

Wanda said...

Sue, I'm so happy Dave is getting better. I hope you are getting use to having a "bug" in your ear, HaHa. There is a lot to get used to. Since I've been wearing hearing aids since I was 50 that's 30+ years! Yikes! I'm about do for an upgrade! I wish I could get back to blogging, but right now we have a wound nurse come twice a week to dress and rebandage Don's leg. Unfortunately he had a couple more areas. His skin is so thin and fragile. We see the Wound doctor every Friday. Hopefully these visit will end soon. Keep us in your prayers.
I love that you found a chest from (real wood) hard to find. It looks lovely.
Hugs and kisses to our forever friends.

Michelle said...

I am glad to hear Dave is doing better. Continues prayers for you and all of your family.

sandy said...

Well that's good news about your new desk. And...good for you with the hearing aides. I lost hearing in left ear after bacterial meningitis in 2011. So my husband is use to me saying - speak up or forever hold your peace... He has a lot of bass in his voice and I wish I had a button to turn the treble up. Still sending good thoughts for your granddaughter. So many are suffering in this world. A grandchild of mine has been going through some rough mental things lately also. Praying all is well.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I'm just trying to catch up on blog reading, Sue, and sorry to read that Dave wasn't feeling well earlier, but glad that he's doing better. Your hearing aids should be very helpful and my husband should wear them but just complains that I don't talk loud enough 😀

Michelle said...

Thank you for linking up!