Saturday, September 28, 2024


 I missed posting for Daughters Day so I will do that and then I found out that today is Sons Day..

so here you go ... 2 for the price of 1.

I don't have any biological daughters but I have the Best Daughters in Love.

To me they are my Daughters and I love them dearly.

This is Kellie, our younger son's wife.  They will be celebrating their 7th anniversary next month.  My heart is filled with love that they found each other.

This is Sigrid, our son Steve's wife.  Its hard to believe that they have celebrated 33 years of marriage.
Sigrid is so beautiful, both inside and out.

Happy Sons Day

Love these two with all of my heart.

They love the Lord.  They have such tender hearts, are so creative, and have the best senses of humor.

Mark and Steve are wonderful giving sons, husbands and fathers.

P.S. they are both fantastic photographers too.

Sure wish Mark and Kellie lived closer so we could see them more often.

Dave and I are truly Blessed.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How blessed you are!

The Happy Whisk said...

Oh my gosh, the foot one is a hoot.

Wanda said...

Hi mydear Sue. Finally finding time to visit my blog friends and believe it or not, I actually changed my background to Fall and did a post. It's been so long, and life has been so full. When you have children, grandkids and great grand kido, it's just busy, busy, busy....But all good. Don had a little mishap a few weeks ago and I will post about that in a day or two. Your daughters of your heart are so lovely. And I sure get a kick out of your cute and funny sons. Loving you, and glad to be back on the blog again.