Thursday, September 26, 2024


 I was reading Shug's blog post about fun jumping in Fall leaves and thought I might repost about our leaves again.

In 2009 we had just been in our home a couple of years.  The Sweet Gum tree was doing its thing and Dave said, oh wouldn't it be fun to jump in all of those leaves.

Our 2 granddaughters were over for the day so Papa raked the leaves into a big pile and let the girls go at it.  In all of our time living in Pacifica, CA right on the Pacific Coast, we had never had anything close to a "real" Fall.  

So living in the greater Sacramento Valley provided more changes in temperature and trees began show their colors. It has always thrilled us to see a change of season.

Of course the raking of all the leaves and disposing of them isn't my favorite thing.

Akkk...I double posted this photo and can't seem to delete it.  So there you go , 2 for the price of one!!

Love my granddaughter among the leaves.

Now Dave can check off Playing in the Leaves from his Bucket List.

Making Memories

That's what its all about.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a cutie your granddaughter is! And her hair is the color of the flaming fall leaves! But actually, you look like you are having more fun than any of them!!

Shug said...

I love this post .....I'm glad you all experienced this with the grandkids. That last picture of your granddaughters face showing through the leaves just reinforced to me the fun that can be had by playing in a pile of leaves. Hopefully she will someday show the picture to her kids and grandkids. All of the pictures are beautiful with the colored leaves and all of the fun being shown.

Sparky said...

Aww, how cute! Wonderful photos. My old shoulders can't take raking anymore so I use the zero turning radius mower to mulch them but we have a bit of acreage to care for. We're hunkered down waiting for Hurricane Helene to hit Tallahassee which is 150 miles west of us. So far, it's only a bit of rain and wind. I don't think it'll be bad for us. 💙

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You are all having so much fun -- it is a wonderful post! There's nothing like having fun with your grandchildren is there? And it must have been amazing (and still must be) to witness the change of seasons after living where you didn't see it.

Mevely317 said...

What a grand memory! In particular, I'm loving the expressions on your face in #2 and #3. After living in Arizona so long, I delight in the fallen leaves. In fact, I forbid Tom to rake and dispose of them. Not that he's able to physically do so any more, but still.