Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 I haven't done a whole lot the last few days.  Been a little under the weather.

When I get a cough it really wipes me out.

So this will be the extent of my blog post today.

I am better and we do have our bible study group here tonight but I don't have to do a thing .

Someone is bringing pizza and others are bringing the side dishes..

Win win for me...😌

Have a great day...


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry you are ill. Be sure and don't let it go on too long without seeing a doctor, you know mine turned into pneumonia. This photo is AMAZING!!!! It is really true art and is stunning. Hope you can have fun tonight!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Just rest up today before your Bible study group. Pizza is always a win win!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry you are feeling bad, happy you don't have to do anything, and LOVE THIS FLOWER... hope you feel well enough to enjoy your friends

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling like a crispy critter right now. That's pretty nice that your study friends are providing refreshments and surrounding y'all with prayer. Lifting my own for your speedy recovery!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful photo. I hope your Bible study went well and glad to hear that you are feeling better.

The Happy Whisk said...

Sending well wishes.

Rose said...

You chose a beautiful photo...your Bible study group sounds like wonderful friends.

Sparky said...

We've been so busy this week. Doing a minor 'remodel' at home. Sorry I missed this. I know I'm late but prayers for healing. Bible studies are great. Our Church is so teeny tinney that the only time I get to study with others now is during Sunday School. God bless. 💙