Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Thank you so much for all of your care and concern.

I am feeling so much better...cough is still there , but only cough now and then.

Problem now is Dave got the creeping crud.

We are quite a duet when coughing.  Just playing it slow and staying put.

We did have a great small group time last night.  Some of our group are going through some heavy times and what better place to share them, than with "family".   It was time well spent.  I have to admit Dave and I were both pooped by the time everyone left.  Actually I couldn't wait to get to bed, 💤😔

I'm so glad its cooler today.  85F for the high.  Its a welcome relief.

I was going to put up a post about 9-11 but I just don't have the energy.  I think most of you know our story concerning the NY Firemen.  Maybe tomorrow I will post about Louie and the others.  Then I will get back to my final post about our volunteer mission trips. 

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Happy Wednesday


Chatty Crone said...

I am so sorry you were sick and now hubby has it. Hope it is not Covid. I will never forget 9-11 - the day that changed America. Be well.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Sorry to hear that Dave isn't feeling well. Keeping both of you in my prayers.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I miss your post yesterday about not feeling well. I am sorry you've been coughing, etc. I know that's NO fun. We went through that in July...but it was Covid. I pray you and Dave will both feel really better soon. Glad your Bible Study group went well. And yes, we will never forget 9/11. I don't know your story regarding it. Maybe post a link to it sometime. I posted a link to our story in my post today. Hard to believe it's been 23 years already. Time is sure flying, but not for those families who were so affected with loss. Take care my friend and get well soon.

Marie Smith said...

Glad you are feeling somewhat better. I smile when you mention it is cooler at 85 degrees. It has cooled off here too. It was 60 here today. Sleep well!

Mevely317 said...

Mixed emotions! I'm so happy you're feeling better, but now that Dave's feeling bad we don't want to celebrate just yet.
No, I didn't know about your history with Louie. I cheated and key'd in his name (in your search box) -- what an incredible near-death experience. No wonder this day's a difficult one for y'all in more ways than one. Hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So glad you are better, but too bad about Dave. It is almost impossible to live together and not catch each other's maladies.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

At first I thought, why couldn't they be sick at the same time and get it over with, second thought was no, someone has to be able to DO stuff. so sorry Dave is sick and glad you are feeling better. coughing is a horror to me, and even listening to the spouse cough is almost as bad. prayers for the crud to leave your home completely. I read Myra's comment and popped over to read about Louis. I don't remember that, and that is a personal connection that will keep 9/11 in your hearts the rest of your life

Rose said...

I am sorry you are still coughing and hate that your hubby has it now. A cough just wears on a person. It zaps one's energy.