Friday, August 09, 2024


 I think we picked the last of our bountiful grapes.

Aren't they beautiful?

We shared them with our bible study group that came over for dinner this last Tuesday evening.

Its so much fun to share them with our friends.

Of course, we are batting 100% on not taking any photos of our gathering.

Why?  I don't know... it just didn't seem appropriate for all the things that were being shared around the table.

I love our small group so much.  We have been together for at least 10 years.  

Now that's family.  People move but we still try to get together as often as we can.

Feeling so blessed.

Off now to do my early shift of caregiving for my friend that has major Alzheimer's disease. 

Prayers appreciated.

Enjoy your weekend.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind


My Shasta Home said...

No 🍇 grapes for us this year or figs! Your grapes look beautiful. Love fresh off the vine grapes!
Have a good weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this brings back fond memories of hanging out under my dads grape arbor and eating myself sick. his were musschovies incorrect spelling even the dictionary doesn't know. and I don't feel like researching. I do know in the stores they are mega expensive. so glad you get to meet with your friend and they are like family for sure

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your grapes are beautiful. In so many circumstances it is hard to know if you should be snapping or not.

Chatty Crone said...

The grapes were pretty. I hope the visit with you friend goes well. I am a good jealous of you with a nice group like that.

Mevely317 said...

Yes, to those friends who feel like family. I totally 'get' what you mean about the 'right' time for taking photographs. Those sweet images are, no doubt, burned in your mind's eye.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are so awesome and it's nice that you share the with others.

Marie Smith said...

What a beautiful bounty! Enjoy!

Sparky said...

Beautiful grapes. We planted a Fig tree ... again. It didn't make it ... again. I give up. Apparently our dry, piney woods soil does not do well with fruit. Oh well.
If you're not comfortable taking or sharing photos of the group, it's always best to err on the side of caution. Just my 2 cents plus tax.
Hope y'all have a lovely day! 💙

Rose said...

That is a lot of grapes! And they look delicious.

Sometimes it is just best to leave the camera out of things. Just be in the moment...specially with close friends like these are to you.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, those grapes do look luscious!! Wow! How wonderful to be able to grow you own grapes! Your small group sounds really special. It's wonderful to have such a group of people that you feel so comfortable with. What a blessing to have that bond! No pictures necessary. I can just feel the love from your description. That's what matters.

Donna said...

You have such a wonderful heart, sweet lady...
The grapes look fantastic!

sandy said...

Definite prayers going up and your friend is fortunate and blessed to have you help her. Those grapes are amazing . I grow nothing but pine needles and dandelions. Not complaining though, lol. My neighbor over the fence has a garden. She is such a great person. She started leaving me gifts in bags on the fence and I in turn, would begin to leave her things. It's fun to have a neighbor like her. So all that to say i love her garden and often go take photos of it over the fence.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, that is a lot of grapes, and it looks like you have a variety.
You are very blessed to have such a close home group.