Monday, August 12, 2024


 I debated about posting this first part of my blog but decided to go ahead with it.

Today is our grandson's 29th birthday.  He's our grandson by adoption not blood.

We haven't seen him in 10 years, his choice....

C. has so many issues.  We really don't even know where he is and if he's ok.

Life is so difficult for him and I wish I knew if he is all right and maybe keeps in touch with his mom and sister.

All that to say, I wish him the best and hope he can live a good life out there in our world.


Happy 29th Birthday.. Grandson ...

Now on to happier thoughts

We did watch the entire Olympics and enjoyed all the amazing athletics.

I wanted to share with you one athlete that I knew personally.

My Father in Law.  In 1924 he participated in the PRE-TRIALS of the 10 Kilometers Walking/Race event.  These trials were to gather the winners to go on to the Olympics.

Father in Law won his race ... but was disqualified for stepping out of his lane.

Dad really knew nothing about how the race was run and the rules.  We think he would have been a top contender at the Olympics if it had not been for the unfortunate misstep.

He was also a great distance swimmer.  Dave (my hubby) says he never inherited Dad's athletic abilities.   He did win a Gold Medal in a State Pistol event.

Dave's Dad was such a wonderful man.  I am glad I knew him many years later.

This photo has nothing in particular to do with my post today but I just had to post something interesting to view.

Always be Thankful

Always be Kind


The Happy Whisk said...

Sorry to read about your grandson. Hope is doing well. That is a big bummer about the stepping out of bounds. Boy oh boy. Glad you enjoyed the shows this year.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I will pray for your grandson. God knows where he is and he knows how to reach him, so keep praying. Never give up. We have a one and only grandson who will soon be 25. He is not adopted, but the son of our son Matthew who passed away from cancer when our grandson was only 14. The years since have been kind of up and down as far as communication with us goes. His mother does not stay in much communication with us, and so neither has he. But last year he showed up here (he lives far away in Maine) after we had not heard much from him in about 5 years. He brought his fiance' and they needed a place to "crash". So they "crashed" with us for a couple of months until things went sour and they went back home to Maine, and eventually they split up. Long story short, at first I thought we'd never hear from him again, but lately he's been a bit more attentive via text and even a phone call. We consistently pray for him every night, and I send him little text messages every so often whether I hear from him or not. Our last conversation was much more positive and hopeful. So I say to you, keep praying. Don't give up. Wherever he is, God knows, and somehow, someday, your prayers will pay off. I really believe God answers the prayers of praying grandparents.
I enjoyed your story about your father in law. It is too bad he didn't make it to the Olympics, but God had other plans for his life. He may never have had his son and you wouldn't have your husband, etc., so God works in mysterious ways. I love the picture at the end. Take care and God bless you (and your grandson, wherever he is, happy birthday).

photowannabe said...

Thank you, Sister... My heart is full from your comments. (((hugs)))

Mevely317 said...

Yes, I'm praying now for your "C." I, too, have a 30 y/o granddaughter who, for reasons I can't fathom, has chosen to estrange herself from us. She and her husband live in South Carolina with their 18-month old daughte -- not that far, but who I've not been permitted to see. When one's heart is wounded and bitter, it's difficult to pray -- but I'm going to take a page from you.
I, too, enjoyed hearing about your father-in-law. My goodness, what a legacy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry about your grandson, this must be heartbreaking. Maybe when he gets a bit older things will change.

Chatty Crone said...

I am sorry about your grandson - I have heard this story before. In fact I know there is a grief group on Facebook - It is Abandoned and Estranged. I hope some day he comes to his senses! Hugs. Love, sandie

Marie Smith said...

Wishing many blessings to your grandson on his special day! I pray you hear from him in the near future.

It sounds like your FIL was a talented man!

Rose said...

I hope you hear from your grandson...I do hope he has a happy birthday. Your father-in-law sounds like a wonderful man.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is so sad about your grandson.

Sparky said...

Yeah, never stop praying for "C"! God answers all prayer according to His will. "C" needs Him and y'all desperately. May "C" see that sooner rather than later.
I need to get back to posting again. Been feeling kinda low meself. August is a tough month for me for a multitude of reasons, one of which is the oppressive heat and humidity. Also been feeling overwhelmed. Life is beginning to grind because of the oppressive economy. Best to learn how to deal with it, right?! 💙

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Such an unfortunate misstep for your father-in-law, Sue, and I did not mean that to be funny, but in hindsight it seems that sadly was the case. Unfortunately, "rules" cost an Olympic gymnast her medal last week and that too was very unfortunate. Sorry to read about the family estrangement and hope that in time some form of communication can be established.

Sparky said...

PS: Sue, I need to give you my e-mail addy. Sorry I haven't done that sooner. I forgot I had removed it from my blog because I was being harassed (family): Y'all stay cool! Love from Gawga. Pamela 💙

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to your grandson. I'm so sorry to hear about the relationship he has with his family. ((HUGS)) That is so interesting about your father in law. I enjoyed watching the Olympics too.