Tuesday, August 06, 2024


 Saturday Dave and I were at our son's home for birthday celebrations for both said son and our granddaughter's husband.

The food was BBQ and spectacular.  Of course this photography family didn't take a single photo ... go figure.

After our delicious meal we went into the family room and our granddaughter was sitting sideways on the couch.  Her hair was cascading over the arm of the couch and being highlighted by the little table lamp.

I thought, my goodness, that's the most beautiful head of hair I have ever seen.  Took out my phone and snapped a candid of it.

I'm always happy to find new "Blog Fodder" to post.  😀

Have a great Tuesday.

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind

Ha, Ha, I published this and forgot to post the photo..

Senior Moments

Ok, now on to other things..


Sparky said...

She does have lovely hair. I've always wanted to be ginger because I think it's special and pretty. 💙

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, it is stunning! Like golden sunlight in the evening. I'm so glad you thought to snap it!

Mevely317 said...

Gorgeous! She could be one of those "Breck girls" ... remember those magazine illustrations?

Marie Smith said...

That is gorgeous hair alright. Such a pretty woman, your granddaughter!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

her hair is beautiful and my grandmother on daddy's side had hair like this no one of her 7 kids got it and none of the grandkids or great grandkids and now great greats. ODD... I would have taken the shot too. I never thought how long hair might feel or pull when leaning on furniture.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, such lovely hair! Thank you for taking that picture and sharing it with us! I would love to see it in person, or without the extra lighting. Is it really red/coppery, or strawberry blonde? I was a redhead, but I think my hair was darker than that. It is now for sure. It went from a kind of strawberry blonde/red to really red to auburn and now just a reddish brown with lots of gray streaks in it. None of my children have red hair. I was the only one in my family of 4 children. My father was also a red head, the only one in his family of 4 children. I keep hoping for a redheaded grandchild, but time is running out, so probably have to wait and see if our one very brunette grandson ever has a child. Thank you for sharing this with us. As you can tell, I enjoyed it. She is lovely.

Shammickite said...

I'm a ginger too. The strong colour is fading now, more like golden than ginger. My dad and a lot of his family were ginger. I wanted redhead children, but both were towheads (white blond) and all four grandies are also towheads..... not a trace of ginger!

Rose said...

Her hair is beautiful! I love the color, too.

Wanda said...

So much like a younger Sue!! She takes after you!! Lovely capture!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Glad the food was wonderful. Very pretty hair!

Michelle said...

Her hair is gorgeous! Thank you for linking up.