Saturday, August 31, 2024


 Yesterday was truly a highlight for both Dave and I.

Our son Steve and daughter in law invited us on a full day trip into San Francisco.

You could have not asked for a better day weather wise and the lack of crowds made it quite exceptional.

We started out the day on Yerba Buena Island which is the way one goes from the East Bay over to San Francisco CA, via the Bay Bridge.

From there we went to our favorite sandwich shop.  Its been in business since 1926.  Dave and I have been going there for 60+ years.

Freddie's makes the very best Italian sourdough sandwiches,

We bought them and went down to the bay to gobble them down.

From there we visited Fort Point which is under the Golden Gate Bridge.

We  went there because of the new exhibit  that has been created by the National Park Service.

This exhibit and Fort Point are so near and dear to our family's heart.

The Fort was built in the 1700's as protection to the gateway to California from the Pacific Ocean.  No shots were ever fired from the Fort but it housed military over the next century.

Dave's Dad was the creator of the Fort Point Museum Association for the preservation of this valuable part of California history.  This dedication happened in 1966.

You can see the very tip of the Golden Gate Bridge peaking over the top of the Fort.

We just found out 2 weeks ago that Dave's Dad was featured in the exhibit.

Dave's Dad speaking at the dedication of the Park.

Dad and Congressman Phil Burton admiring the cannon that was brought into the Fort.  It was through Dad's efforts that the cannon found a new home.

Always blustery inside the Fort.

Dad at the Dedication

My Hubby is so proud of his dad and is thrilled with the exhibit.

I only wish our other son Mark could have been there with us.
This truly is our LEGACY.
We will never forget seeing Dad in all of the exhibit photos and what he created for generations to come.

Forever Grateful.


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, Susan, this is SO wonderful! I saw you FB post and hoped you would be able to post these pictures someway! My goodness! What a wonderful history and legacy for sure! And your hubby sure looks like his Dad! That is all SO amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us! I know your hubby is so very proud of this, as well he should be. So glad your younger generations will be able to enjoy it as well. What a great day you had together!!

Anonymous said...

Love this! we took mel’s kids there when they were here i will try and send this to her! Love you guys

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That truly is a legacy. I always enjoy Fort Point. That beautiful fog hovering over the bridge makes my heart miss the City. Did your kids drive or did you and your husband? I don’t care to drive in the city anymore. I’m out of practice! Thanks for sharing

Ginny Hartzler said...

What an honor. Dave has every reason to be so proud. And I do see part of the bridge behind the fort. Wonderful photos.

Mevely317 said...

What a wonderful day trip! I've not been to San Francisco in decades and hadn't heard of Fort Point. Witnessing his dad's honor, I hope Dave's buttons were bursting in pride. Thank you for telling us about it.

Marie Smith said...

What a thrill it must have been to see that exhibit and the work Dave’s Dad did featured there. Such a wonderful legacy! Great photos!

Sparky said...

What a wonderful trip, legacy and photos. Thanks for sharing the happy day with us! 💙

MadSnapper n Beau said...

super great trip, I would have been stopping strangers and pointing out the photos of my DAD.. so glad you got to go and just seeing the fort would be a pleasure for me. Steve has perfect arms for 4 in a selfie.. all the photos are great.. and all 3 generations have the family looks

Chatty Crone said...

This is so nice - I have never seen it - now I feel I have seen the bridge. How wonderful your husband's father had a piece of history in it - no wonder your husband is proud - he should be!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What an amazing day you had. I love all the photos. That is so interesting about Dave's dad. That must have been amazing for him to see.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a wonderful tribute to your husband’s father and nice that family members were there to share these moments. Nice to see the bridge as well, Sue.

Rose said...

What a wonderful bit of history and to have family that was part of it. No wonder your hubby is proud of his day.

Michelle said...

This is such a wonderful way to have a family member remembered for their good works!! What a special exhibit and so glad that you and hubby were able to attend.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Beautiful trip! I Love all your photos and the stories. Thank you for sharing your husband's story. That is something he should be so proud of his dad. That is the best story. Thank you.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a wonderful exhibit and tribute to Dave's dad.
Thanks for sharing your special day with us.