Thursday, August 29, 2024


 I am going to be off line tomorrow so I thought I would post the story of little Meredith from Uzbekistan.

When Celeste and Dan were "field workers" in Central Asia they were always interested in the children of the country.

They made many visits to hospitals to be friends with the patients.  They happened to go to the indigent ward where the orphans and "undesirables" were kept.  One little baby caught their attention.  She was poorly clothed, and wasn't cared for.  Her head was lopsided from being ignored and not turned or picked up and cuddled or fed.  Celeste and Dan wanted to find out why.  The baby had a severe cleft palate.

She was difficult to feed so the nurses mostly ignored her.  Apparently she had no parents or anybody that wanted her.  This sweet baby just worked her way into this families hearts and they tried to help her every day.  Finally with a whole lot of red tape (Dan and Celeste (being foreign) were considered to be suspicious and were constantly under scrutiny for this "strange " behavior,)  they were able to take her into their home.

Little Meredith thrived under the love and care in their home.  They knew she would need surgery  but didn't feel they could get good care in Uzbekistan.

I sure loved this sweet little girl and enjoyed playing with her.

How could anyone choose to ignore a precious life such as this?

When Dan and Celeste had to leave the country, they were able to officially adopt her and she came back to the States with them.  Lots more Red Tape and lots of prayer.

I don't have any photos of her results of surgery but she is a beautiful young lady now and has a whole new life with family and friends.

I feel so blessed to have been a part of her life too.  When we went into the mountains to do our kids program, I went in Dan and Celeste's car as the Grandma (Nanny)  there were no questions as we crossed the border.  

God is Good

Always be Grateful

Always be Kind.


Debby said...

Aw that’s a beautiful story about a precious baby girl. I’m so happy that couple was able to adopt her and that her cleft palate was successfully repaired. Bless her heart. Wish we could see her now.
Thank you so much for sharing this touching memory with us.

photowannabe said...

I wish we could see her now too. I lost all touch with the family after they returned to the states. I will have to see if I can ask one of the other ladies I went with. They may have gotten more information.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful ending!!! Such a heartwarming story.

Donna said...

Oh we would love to see her today...SO glad she was found and most of all, Loved!

Sparky said...

Aww, what a wonderful story. God bless that couple for saving her in so many way. Such love. Have a wonderful day. 💙

Mevely317 said...

I just want to reach into those pictures and hug on that baby girl. Precious! Thank you for sharing her 'happily ever after' story with us.

Chatty Crone said...

My minister just got home yesterday with their adoptive daughter from Tiawan. It is NOT easy to adopt. What wonderful people those two were - taking her home. I am glad she got the surgery and hope all is well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so happy that they found her and fell in love with her because she is a absolutely beautiful little girl and I too would like to see what she looks like but she looks so happy and healthy and I know they were meant to adopt her. I am thinking that you might easily find them on social media if you want me to search for them just send me their full name and I'll look around

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What wonderful people they are for taking her into their lives. What a blessing for her.

Michelle said...

Wonderful that this little girl found such loving people to care for her!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a beautiful story.
Would have loved to see a picture of her after her surgery.