Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 Hi Friends,

I have to admit that this Summer time heat is really wiping me out.

We are into 20 + days of triple digit temperatures.

We will have 2 days of a "cooling trend" at 92F then back up for the rest of July at temps. of greater than 104F.  Mostly 106-108F.

I know I am whining but I am so over it.  Hate to see what our electric bill will be.  The AC is running almost constantly.

So what do we do??

We have a nice cold Root Beer Float..!!!

Yes indeed... Yummm-O..

I know its not on my diet but ...

I'm going to enjoy it , every last drop.. So there!  😀


Marie Smith said...

Sue, you are a rebel at heart! Lol. Looks so good. Stay cool!

Sparky said...

Root Beer Floats solve everything! Save some for me! lol
I'm so over this heat and humidity too. Thankfully the Lord has been sending us rain on a regular basis but boy, oh boy, are they some thunderbumpers. I kinda enjoy them but the poor dogs cower in fear.
By the way, did y'all see in the news about the geyser blow up at Yellowstone? I put it on my FB page. The rocks raining down had spectators running every which way. Yipes. I hope no one was injured. 💙

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I LOVE Root Beer Floats! Now I want one, but it's probably too close to supper so I'd better not. LOL. Yes, it is very hot here too. So thankful for our AC. I am not sure how I survived before we had AC when I was a child. I guess being a child I didn't know anything different and so I just played outside all day and ran barefoot and drank water from a hose and hosed off when I got too hot. Those were the days! I'm thankful we don't have to go back to them, however. LOL. Try to stay cool, and enjoy your root beer float. I see one coming in my near future, just not right now. The kids are back home from their trip and are coming over for supper, so I need to save my appetite. Talk to you later.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We've had a lot of hot weather too. I could go for one of those root beer floats. Take care.

Mevely317 said...

Good for you! Root beer floats are one of my Tom's favorite things.
Hey, self-care during these 'trying' days is so important ... so I tell myself when I go for another spoonful of coffee chip ice cream.

Fie(!) on the first person who says, "I'm sooo cold." lololol

Debby said...

We’re pretty much normal for here which is 105+ but still too hot for me. Its 106. I just don’t go outside unless it is early mornings.
I too am nervous about the extra costs for water and AC.
Oh well. Nothing we can do about it.
Love your photo of the root beer float and gardening hat!
My favorite season will be here soon! I’m looking forward to the Autumn even though we really won’t cool down that much.

Stay hydrated!

Chatty Crone said...

Joining you for the hot weather - lol - and I wish I could join you on the root beer float - it would melt by the time I got there.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good for you! Really high temps can just totally wear you out!

MadSnapper said...

I love root beer floats, have not had one in many years. A and W in a frosty mug. woo hoo.. I just saw on the news that yesterday was registered as the hottest day ever for the entire world. Europe is even hotter than we are... I can tell you the storms Sparky mentioned are here also, she is only a hop skip and a jump from us, and some is Pam.. booms and cracks shuddering the walls of the house

Donna said...

It hasn't really been anything over 100 here yet! SO unusual for central Texas!
But, I'll take it! lol
LOVE root beer floats...looks wonderful.

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Michelle said...

Yes, enjoy it! You have to be good to yourself! Our temps were a tiny bit cooler this week, but it is back with extreme heat in a few days. Thanks for linking up and stay cool.

Rose said...

I hope next time I can have a root beer float, too!