Saturday, July 27, 2024


 This morning we woke up to temperatures in the middle 60's.

Pure Deliciousness...

What a break from our triple digits.  Of course they will be back up by next week.

My AC is very thankful for the reprieve.

The horrible fires here in Northern California are still raging.

The worst of them is called the Park Fire and its about a 3 hour drive from where we live.

We are fine..

Just praying and being aware of things going on around us.

Update from Debbie that lives up in that area.  Count of destruction is at 307, 368 acres as of this morning and no signs of stopping.

The skies are murky and ugly at our house.  All the dry "Fuel" from years of drought has just exploded.

The worse part of it is that this fire was deliberate arson.  A crazy man set his car on fire and shoved it down into a ravine.  Now hundreds of thousands of acres are burned, homes totally destroyed and its not over yet.  People are evacuated.  They did catch the guy but there is no way there will be restitution for such awful  situations.

This photo doesn't have any thing to do with these scary events.  I just have to put a positive tweak to everything.

Unfortunately I believe several of our relatives have to be evacuated as a precaution.  This is a repeat of the fires of 5 years ago.

Prayers appreciated.  I will let you know when I hear anything.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We are 13 miles from the closest level 2 evacuation zones. We’re keeping an eye on it and can’t believe it would swing toward the west but it’s an angry fire.

Shasta county has 40+ level 3 zones - GO.
38 zones at Level 2. When it gets to Palo Cedro or Millville plains that’s our que to start packing.

Chatty Crone said...

I think that is just awful - and there is not one thing you can do to him to match what he has done to others.
What is fuel fire in the sky?
I am glad the temps are lower.
I pray for a deep deep rain.

Sparky said...

How nice that the temps have settled down for y'all. Hope that stays. So sorry about the fires. Arson needs to be punished even more severely than it is. In 2007 or thereabouts the Okefenokee Swamp and all the surrounding areas were on fire. It was caused by a lightning strike on the Sweat farm. The air was putrid for literally months. It was awful. Thankfully everything grew back. One can hardly even tell it all burned down now. Nature keeps on keepin' on.
Hope y'all have a lovely evening.💙

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I had not heard of the Park Fire. I'm rather out of the loop. I always hate to see the California wildfires spreading like this.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, the fire is terrible and I can't believe that someone did that. I'm glad they caught him. Also, I doubt he will get much jail time. They seem to let everyone go lately. Very sad. You take care and stay safe.

Wanda said...

So glad it has cooled down a bit for you. Hot weather is so draining. I see on the news the fires and of course the hot weather just adds to the situation.

Your photos are alway the best!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

From the Cal fire meeting this morning it was mentioned the fire is heading away from the Paradise/Magalia area but they’re still under evacuation warnings. Nothing mandatory. They are not under immediate threat. But we all know how unpredictable fire is, it’s prudent to get those evacuation warnings in place.

Mevely317 said...

I'm so glad you're being given a reprieve from that awful heat!

I can't even wrap my mind around those poor firefighters struggle to contain the fires, all the while bundled up like there's snow on the ground. They're sure made of sterner stuff than most of the rest of us.

I'm not sure what's that pretty object, but I love how you focus on discovering joy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope they have that man locked up. I heard the car was his mother's. Now I wonder how she is...

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is so awful about the fire. I had not been aware of it.
Glad your temperatures have cooled down. They have over here too, but I think they're going to be going back up this week. Ugh!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The area you’ve been concerned about:

Evacuations have been completely lifted in the Paradise area, according to the Sheriff's office.

Additionally, they say several evacuation warnings have been lifted in Magalia and North Chico.

(Magalia) Zones lifted - 285, 284, 287, 289, 288, 290, 292, and 291

Butte County Evacuation Map >>

Know Your Zone (How To) >>

Rose said...

What is wrong with people that they will do something like start a fire????