Friday, June 21, 2024


 Yesterday our oldest Granddaughter Lauren asked if she could come and spend some time with Dave and I before she had to return to her Hubby and her job in Las Vegas.

Of course it only took a Nano Second for us to say yes.

These one on one times to just gab and catch up on Life are the things that make us fulfilled and happy.....  AND talk we did!!

Then a few hours later her sister called and said she wanted to come by and visit too!!!

Wow, we got Double Fun.

Precious moments that are tucked in our hearts forever.

Lauren has the most gorgeous red hair but I really like this black and white that I took yesterday.

Love this quirky photo of Amanda too.  They are both so photogenic, even if her eyes are almost closed.

Snapshot Memories ... 


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful memorable time you had. I know that we get to see our grandkids a lot more when they are kids. Once they grow up and have their own lives, it is so much harder to get together with them.

Sparky said...

They are gorgeous with award winning smiles. Well done. Good photos too. 💙

Karen Jones Gowen said...

They are lovely girls and it sounds like a wonderful visit.

MadSnapper said...

they are model beautiful and perfect for black and white photos. so glad they came to visit and you had double the talk time...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a wonderful blessing you had. They are beautiful girls. So happy for you.

Wanda said...

Nothing better than visits with out adult children or grandchildren. Priceless. They are both beautiful women, like their grandma.

Mevely317 said...

What an impromptu blessing! Lauren and Amanda are positively glowing. Who needs color photography? (Seriously, I'm partial to black-and-white.). Thank you for sharing your joys with us.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a lovely surprise.
They are both beautiful girls.

Debby said...

Beautiful girls! You are blessed and so are they to have such nice grandparents. So special that they actually want to spend time with you. The photos are lovely.

Rose said...

They are both beautiful young women, and sounds like they are so very special.

Marie Smith said...

Precious moments with your girls! Priceless!

Donna said...

They are both gorgeous girls!!

sandy said...

sweet photos! how nice for you to have that visit.

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