Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 The word Celebration can conjure up many different types of feelings.

Father's Day brought some heartfelt memories and feelings to my life.

Dave and I had a wonderful time being with our son Steve, Sigrid and their older daughter Lauren and Amanda and her husband Billy.

Lauren lives and works in Las Vegas, is married to a great guy and has a good career there.... BUT...

She misses her Daddy Big Time.  So she flew out to celebrate Fathers Day with him and all of us.  Steve said no gifts but I want to do a special photo shoot with Lauren.

I was watching off to the side and just had to sneak a few side shots while he was doing the big time stuff.

This first one is Steve's doing not mine..

I really love this and love these guys.  I only wish our younger son and family could have been here too.

My SNEAKY shot ... 

Lauren's Fashion Shoot.  She changed her outfits 4 times, but these is the only ones I took.

Steve and Lauren having their Daddy/Daughter date breakfast.
I do love that he has always done things like this with his girls.
One on One time to just enjoy each other.

Yesterday we had another Celebration.

This time it was a Celebration of Life.

Our dear friend Doug passed away after a long struggle with cancer.  He truly fought the good fight.

We will miss him so very much and we will always cherish the many years of memories and fun times we had together with him, his wife Karen and their 3 girls.

Friends for 65 years .. a true Life Time.

Unfortunately I folded the bulletin, but this is for my journal anyway.

This last photo is from the Celebration.

It was really a college reunion for so many of us attending.

These 2 beautiful ladies are also friends for the last 65 years!

Elizabeth on the left and MaryAnn on the right.

I think we gabbed ninety miles an hour.  We haven't physically seen each other in about 9 or 10 years.  We do keep in contact by FB and emails.

MaryAnn was Miss San Francisco back in the late 50's-early 60's , I just can't remember the exact year..  

Such sweet memories that I will cherish forever.

Even though my heart aches, I have a peace that passes all understanding in knowing where Doug is now , Free from pain and walking with the Lord.

Someday soon we will ALL have our Next Reunion on those Streets of Gold.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love the photos you took of your family.
I'm sorry for your loss - but you're right - he's pain-free and in the presence of God. Nothing better than that.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love your behind the scenes outtakes to show us how it goes. who would think that fantastic father/son photo did not start out like it is... so beautiful and what a fathers day memory. Sorry about your friend, for all of you, not for him. I had 5 friends of 64 years and I am the last one standing...

Chatty Crone said...

You will have a reunion in Heaven!
Love the pictures - your granddaughter is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She just loves her grandpa you can tell.
I love your Celebration of Life.

Wanda said...

What lovely pictures of your handsome men, and that beautiful granddaughter.

The photo of you three beautiful ladies is precious and the years of friendship...How special. Sue you look so lovely!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So sorry about Doug! What a hard fight he must have had. Father & son sure look alike!

Mevely317 said...

What a weekend! Your first sentence really says it all, doesn't it? I love yur candid side shots; I'm going to try and remember to do that. Lauren is stunning; is she a professional model? I hope when my time comes, my son will chose a celebration v. the old weepy sorts of funerals.
Thank you for sharing these times of your life!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I'm sorry about the loss of your friend, but it must have been nice to reconnect with your other friends after so many years even though it took a sad occasion to bring it about.
Nice pictures of your family.
You have a beautiful granddaughter.

Marie Smith said...

Great family photos and great friends. Sorry at the loss of one of them! Take care!

Rose said...

How wonderful to see old friends...too bad it was under such circumstances. The Fathers Day celebration sounds like it was so much fun.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It sounds like a perfect Father's Day. I love the photo shoot you did.
So sorry about the loss of your friend Doug. ((Hugs))

Sparky said...

Love the family photos! How perfect. They look professional too.
So sorry for the loss of your dear friend. That hurts so much. May time heal all our hearts of the ones we've "lost" to Glory but through Christ know we'll see them again. 💙

LC said...

What a lovely post of beloved family and friends! Once again I'm trying to get back to check on blogging friends. Alas, for too many months focus has been on doctor's visits or time-consuming treatments for both Hubby and me. A break is coming up in that routine and Hubby is already planning a trip to the Smoky Mountain and beyond. I'm looking forward to see how we cope.

In the meantime we are enjoying our home, church, and Coffee Fusion, our favorite spot for visiting with local friends and family!

diane b said...

So nice for son to come for fathers day. Lovely photos.

sandy said...

enjoying catching up. great photos and RIP to Doug.

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