Monday, June 24, 2024


 Saturday, Dave and I went to visit a very dear friend named Lan.  She and her husband were having a yard sale.

They have made the decision to flee our crumbling state of California.

We will miss them so much but completely understand their reasons for going.

If we could go someplace else and take the wonderful things about CA. with us, especially family, we would take off too.

This is not going to be a political rant but this isn't the "Golden State" any longer.

Lan is all too familiar with escaping difficult and horrible situations.  She, when she was a child, and her family packed themselves onto a boat (along with many thousands of people) and escaped Vietnam at the height of war and devastation.  Her testimony is amazing.  The life the family made here in the states is quite a miracle.

Gonna miss her and all the Celebrate Recovery years of serving we did over the years together.

Blessings on your New Adventures, Lan.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Sad for you! Where is she moving to? Will she have family or friends there?

Wanda said...

Wishing her the best in her move. Family and weather keep us here!! Especially at this winter of our lives.

Sandi said...

It is baffling to me what is happening in California. Why are they doing that?

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Back at n 2020/2021 we have several friends leave. One went to Arizona and the other to Nevada. Both are happy.
I can’t say we’ll never leave. I have certain states due to their history I just couldn’t live there. That limits us. The only southern state I would consider moving to is Scott County, Tennessee because they and my dad’s family was part of this, opposed slavery and fought for the union. They even became their own Free State. It’s that heritage that makes me think twice about leaving. My ancestors stayed and fought.
I’d consider Arizona, or Nevada. Still close to family and friends and the weather is hot and dry like I am used to.
There are benefits to living in California if you’re in a rural or semi rural community like we are. Urban or big city living sadly is no more for me.
It’s always sad when friends leave. All you can do is wish them Godspeed and pray. I do believe however that no state is immune to the California Cooties! It’s coming and I would hate to leave to a state to have it change.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh I did Celebrate Recovery when it first came out, in the early 90’s. The church I went to had an awesome Higher Power Celebration every Friday night and then workshops etc. Those were some good times back then!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think she is making the right choice, I would not live in CA and might leave Florida if Bob would. CA and FL are not the same places they were for sure, but now I wonder if there is anywhere that is better. we love FL like you Love CA, but there are way to many people and cars and the living is getting higher and higher. the problem is where would we go that it is not the same, Savannah is the same.. and going to a tiny town somewhere the cost of living is a lot better but we all need health care and tiny towns don't have that... we will just hang here until the grim reaper appears. sorry you will be missing your friend and prayers she finds a beautiful, safe place to move to

Chatty Crone said...

We have heard of people leaving CA, IL, and NY. I think they are coming here to GA!

Mevely317 said...

Oh my goodness, Sue! This reminds me of the song we used to sing in Girl Scouts" "Make good friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other's gold."
I'd venture a "Brave gal!" -- but learning of her escape from Viet Nam, I'm in awe of her moxie. (How well I remember those tumultuous days.)
Were it not for my son and family living here, I doubt we'd stay here in Alabama. Funny, I just drafted a post for tomorrow about my hometown ... where I'd love to return, provided I had deep pockets.

Marie Smith said...

Best wishes for the future for your friend and her family!

Sparky said...

I hope Lan & Co's move goes well. Those who had to battle for their freedoms tend to take it more seriously than we do. Godspeed Lan and best wishes. 💙

diane b said...

It is sad to see good friends move away. Hope you stay in contact. Where is better than CA?

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