Monday, April 01, 2024


 Yesterday was such a wonderful day.

Our Easter service at church was beautiful and the music touched my soul.

After church we went to dinner at some friends home or maybe one should call it a Ranch-ette.

We have known Beth and Wes since they were in high school.  Our kids were best friends with them and Dave and I were also good friends with their parents.

We have been in each others lives for about 40 years.  It really does make one feel old when those kids have kids planning weddings and becoming grandparents too.

We were all friends from our church in San Francisco and many made the move to the Greater Sacrament area.  It was like Old Home week with about 35 people (lots of kiddos running everywhere) bringing gobs of delicious food and we were scattered all over their property.

I never got photos of most of the crowd.  I spent most of my time visiting with 2 dear friends.  Solveig is in her late 80's and Begnt is 90..Oh that I could be as sharp as they are.  I brought a letter that we found in the midst of some old photographs.  The other couple is from Sweden and the letter was written in Swedish.  We had a good time translating it.  It was from my GreatGrandfather to my Grandfather in 1923.  Fascinating.

Yay, it didn't rain.  This was my view from the porch.

Unfortunately all of my photos are blurred in the transferring process from my phone to Picasa..oh well.. it is what it is.

Beautiful pastures and 2 of their horses out in the pasture.

They also have another horse or 2, chickens, goats, kittens and several dogs.
Sorry Sandra (Mad Snapper) I didn't get any photos of them.  They were too far from the house and the ground was soft and uneven from all of the rain.

Fun to have a baby around for Easter

Dave having a great chat with Begnt.

Solveig in the blinding sunshine.  she is such a wonderful, sweet lady.
Not my best photos by any means but they are good record memories for me.

I feel so blessed to have these friends and that all of the generations can be together for fun and fellowship.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

a truly wonderful way to spend Easter,with many old friends. what a fantastic place to have the reunion. you know me well, critters are my thing. Picasa was discontinued in 2016 and migrated to Google photos, that is probably why the photos are blurred. i read that is is not safe to use it, since it gets no updates and that means no protection either.

Sparky said...

It is a blessing to have so many like-minded friends. We've been blessed with quite a few as well. I treasure them all. Wonderful photos. Y'all live in a pretty area.

Rose said...

Oh, my, what a fun and happy time. There is just something about old friends. And how wonderful to have a letter from your great grandfather to your grandfather! I so would treasure it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sounds like one of your best Easter weekends ever! How wonderful. Oh, that we would all be like this couple!

Chatty Crone said...

Sounds like you had a fabulous Easter.

Marie Smith said...

It sounds like a great way to spend Easter.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That sounds like a lovely visit with old friends. All but one of my besties have passed on and I do miss them. We used to get together on Easter with our little kids.
It was a gorgeous day yesterday just as today. Not a cloud in the sky and a mild 76 degrees. Up here we’re looking at some rain mid week.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I'm so glad the weather gods cooperated and y'all were able to fully enjoy one another! Yep, I can sure relate to the feeling of watching the little ones become middle-aged. Time is a thief!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Spending time with good and dear friends is in many ways preferable to traveling distances to be with family. Your Easter sounds like a lovely day, Sue. We stayed home and it was a good day too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That sounds like the perfect Easter Sunday. How wonderful to gather with those friends. Love the photos and yes, having a child around makes a holiday like Easter a lot of fun.

sandy said...

How blessed you are to have these experiences in life with such good friends and family. I always enjoy reading what you are up to.

Michelle said...

I love hearing that you are still friends with them and still get together.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh wonderful photos of Easter sharing with old and new friends ~ baby is adorable ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...
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Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Here’s the correct link.