Tuesday, May 23, 2023


 The past few weeks have been very difficult for my friend Lynne and those of us who are active in her care giving.

Her Alzheimer's is progressing more quickly now.

She fell sometime during the early morning.  Her daughter Karen doesn't know how long she was on the carpeted floor.  Karen is barely 5 feet tall and couldn't pick her up.  Lynne was no help in the process.  An ambulance was called because it wasn't known if she was injured or had had a stroke.

3 nights in ICU.  Nothing broken, no bruises but they did find Colitis.  Lynne was very shaken and had no clue what was going on or really why she was in the hospital.  Drs. released her, and Karen took her home.  Half an hour after being home, the entire experience had disappeared from Lynne's memory.

Its such a gut wrenching thing for me to be a part of.  60 years of friendship is just disappearing too.

I was with her last Friday and also Sunday.  She was perky, had a bit of humor back and we actually had some conversation...but the repetition of the same questions is getting worse.  I always pray before being with her that I have boat loads of patience to answer the same questions like it was the very first time.

I'm really happy with this photo I took of her on Sunday.  It is more like the "old" Lynne.

Being blind in one eye and only 20% vision in the other makes life doubly difficult.

Grateful she is still here and plugging along at age 82.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That is so hard Susan. Lynne is fortunate to have a friend like you, even if she no longer realizes it. I hope her daughter has as much support and help as she needs.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Aww, what a lovely photo. I went through this with my grandmother. We are our memories, and Alzheimer's takes them all. You watch the person just slowly disappear. Usually the memories from very long ago are the last to go. That is why it is good to talk with them about things way in the past, that is easier for them to remember. You are such a blessing for her!

Donna said...

Oh Sue,,,I'm SO sorry you are going through this...I lost my BF to it this past Christmas Day. You just nod your head...agree with her...listen to her and don't try to correct her about anything...she won't remember it. Just love her and remind her of how special she is to you.
They ALL have a special place in Heaven!
BIG HUG to you sweet friend...

Martha said...

It's no wonder they call it "The Long Goodbye."
I'm so sorry you're going through this and I totally understand having to pray for extra patience. Dementia runs counter to everything out minds want to tell us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Dementia is a thief of memories and I can't imagine how much more difficult it is to be almost blind. She is blessed to have her daughter and you and the others who help take care of her. Everyone I know and there are many, that has dealt with this disease, has the falling down like this, as the disease nears its end. so sorry for all of you

Marie Smith said...

My heart goes out to your friend and her family. We all need a life long friend like you, Sue.

Wanda said...

Oh Sue, how my heart aches for you and for Lynn. What a horible desease. I broke into tears realizing how healthy I am at 82 and how difficult Lynn's life is at 82. Only God's gracious and loving mercy...I deserve nothings, yet in His infinite wisdom has blessed me with these good years. Praying for you as you minister to her. You are my hero!

PS the Wedding was marvelous. Only have one picture I sneaked an took. They didn't want the guests taking pictures, but said they would share all the professional ones with us later.

I will post my "sneak shot" today. I was coming out of the restroom and the photographers were taking pictures after the wedding by an old pickup...Yeah..I got a shot off!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

That is so sad.
Lynn is blessed to have you as a friend.

Rose said...

Sue, I know how hard this myst be...or at least think I can imagine it because I dont know what I would do if I lost my best friend. She is blessed to have you in her life as I am sure you feel blessed to have had her in yours.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I was sorry to read about this latest medical incident with your friend and how difficult it is not only for her family but for you, her good friend. In some ways, Lynne's loss of memory about the incidents may be a blessing for her. While it may be frustrating to have to repeat things on your visits, I don't believe that you will ever regret having spent that time with a friend. Too often, people have been heard saying, "I should have called or visited" when a relative/friend a person passes and then it is way too late.