Thursday, March 02, 2023


 I guess we better enjoy these two days of sunshine.

Weatherman says another storm will be rolling in this weekend.

I'm absorbing the vitamin D even though the wind is really strong and bitter cold.

The good news is we have sold ( on eBay) 3 items in the past week.  Almost $150.00 went into our checking account.. we are so happy.  Our checkbook is too.

Enjoy your day.


Wanda said...

Yeah! Little by little and piece by piece...soon that account will be fatter!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay for the direct deposit and SUNSHINE! Happy Days are here again

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh no. I think we are supposed to have a week without the rain. Enjoy the sun while you can. I was getting my vitamin D outside today.

Chatty Crone said...

Glad you sold your items on EBAY!
We have had the darkest and rainiest winter since I can remember and we have been here since 1986.

LC said...

Hubby has been clearing out accumulation in our home, too. He hasn't been as enterprising as you. I won't fuss, though. He prepared a Thanksgiving meal for us yesterday with turkey and all the fixings.

Yum! We both like the leftovers and will be "celebrating" for another day then freeze some goodies for later.

Hootin Anni said...

It musta been a day from 'blogger hell' comment on your blog and others disappeared. I know I left a comment...your ebay/bank account just got bigger....hooray!!
Stay warm & dry.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We are having a snow event this weekend in Nashua, NH, so hope your good weather continues, Sue. This is not really a major snowstorm compared to many other states and next week, temps will be in the high 30s to 40s so it will not be long lasting. Congrats on the ebay sales!