Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 Snow has been falling all around us.

The lower elevations of the Foothills have been hit hard...


We have finally gotten rain.  

Maybe our drought will be over for this year.

Its a good day to stay inside.


Hootin Anni said...

Rain is good. No shoveling!!!!

sandy said...

you got lots also. We are in a "state of emergency"here in the san bernardino mountains. It's unbelievable.We haven't been plowed in five days. We have in some places in our yard and deck well over five feet of snow. But we've been busy shoveling - mike doing the driveway and me trying to keep the upper decks somewhat shoveled so they don't get too heavy with snow.

Chatty Crone said...

I hope your drought is over!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Stunning, absolutely stunning! glad to hear you have rain and not snow. send us some of the rain. stay safe and of course INSIDE

Wanda said...

Boy! You and your camera...you really caught a great shot. You should send it the the local weather station!
It's still raining here. The mountains in the distance are so beautiful and snow covered.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What an AMAZING photo!!!

Donna said...

Hope you got a lot of rain!
Love the photo...

Michelle said...

Very warm here in KY and not our normal temps. Rain for us tonight.

Linda said...

Praise God for RAIN!!!! We have some here, too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I agree, the drought should be over but they never want to say it. I can't believe the amount of rain we have had along with all of the snow. Today is finally sunny here but very cold. Hopefully Spring will arrive soon.