Friday, January 13, 2023


 Yesterday we finally got a break in the Pineapple Express rain storms we have been having.

Our camilla bushes were pretty full though battered from the wind and rain.

The wonderful sun came out all day long..

It sure made me a happy camper.

Today we are back to the gloom and "promise" of another couple of days of 95% rain.


At least it's not freezing cold here.

Life still goes on and I have things to do, so I will don my rain coat and go for it!


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is stunning!!! I don't think I have ever seen a real one, maybe they don't grow in this part of the country.

Carol said...

What a beautiful picture!

Hootin Anni said...

The mad snapper would love the magenta carpet of fallen blossoms!!

I can picture a small two seater bench among the bushes.

Stay dry!

Marie Smith said...


Hope there is no flooding in your area.

Wanda said...

Love your spirit, Sue. "Don the raincoat and take off..." I remember several years ago when I spent 29 days in Oregon when she had some minor surgery. It rained 24 of those days. She had a quick recovery and we didn't let the rain keep us from going and doing!! She is so used to that weather. Boots and raincoats, umbrellas are the ward-robe for months.

My poor flowers and plants on the balcony are begging for sunshine.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad you have some left on the bush - we have been having some of your winds here!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

After watching several news videos of the destructive flooding in CA, it was good to read this post and see some beauty even if on the ground. Hope things will soon be drying out, Sue.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yes, the madsnapper does love the carpet of pink flowers, Magenta Rocks. they are gorgeous. sorry there is more rain on the way. glad you got a sunny day break though...

Great-Granny Grandma said...

You always have such a god attitude. It inspires me.
The flowers are beautiful.
Without long periods of rain, I wonder if we would be as grateful and appreciative of the sunny days rather than just take them for granted.

diane b said...

Love the carpet of camellias.