Monday, January 16, 2023


 Finally the weatherman says there will be a break in our rain storms.

It's still kind of dribble-y outside, 

but, better days are suppose to be ahead for us in Northern California.

I thought I would just share a pretty flower that I photographed a while ago....

To Brighten Your Day Too.

Here's to good days ahead.

Don't forget to enlarge this photo.  The detail of the pollen is beautiful.


Wanda said...

Good Morning, Sue. The flower is lovely. I remember picking up a bouquet of those lilies on my way to work years ago, as I loved keeping flowers on my desk. The problem with those lovely lillies, the brown pollan got on my white blouse, and it wouldn't dust off. So I wore a dirty blouse all day at work. Lesson learned...don't touch the brown pod in the middle!!!

We got a scattering of sunshine today. Don't know how long it will last. But I am sure enjoying see it out the windows. Still really cold, and wet from all the rain.

Going to make some more Jean Pierre pork chops tonight. They are soaking in the brine right now. A new passtime....watching cooking shows, and Jean Pierre is a "hoot" and fun to watch.

Looking forward to your email. We think of you and Dave so often.

Chatty Crone said...

That is amazing what God can make - tiny little pollen like that and a gorgeous flower.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful flower and I like that color.. flowers do brighten the day and so does rain going away. hope that rain stops for all of CA, what a mess it has caused, looks worse than the usual of this time of year. all the diasters seem to be escalating each year now. here's to sunny days soon for all of you out there

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's been wonderful seeing some sun today! God Bless

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yeah to drier days ahead, Sue, and the pollen was beautiful and may make some insects very happy. No rain here, but several snow showers during the day without much accumulation except on grassy areas.

Ginny Hartzler said...

How lovely!

Marie Smith said...

I hope sun is on the rise for both areas of the continent!

Hootin Anni said...

I do love the lily!! And best of all rain is subsiding!!!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

It is beautiful, and an unusual shade for a lily?