Thursday, September 09, 2021



There is so much to be thankful for and today is no exception.

Our sons and their families have been so good to us and helped us in so many ways, 

especially during Dave's fractured leg's been 6 months already!

Our lawn guy which we have had for 14 years had to increase his prices and wasn't willing to work with us.


We cancelled the yard care and thought what do we do now...we had no equipment since moving here.

Our wonderful next door neighbor cut the grass for us the last few months for which we are eternally 


Our son Mark ordered an electric lawnmower and now we are the proud owners of this great piece of equipment.

It's easy to push and I get my steps in since the lawn part is about a quarter acre.



Hootin Anni said...

Don't over exert Sue!!! Even if it is easy to push, it can all go south if you're over-doing.

Linda said...

There you are!!! Yes, lawns are tedious and work to keep in check. I am hoping to use our guy for as long as possible. I do everything except the mowing and edging and he only charges us $20....front yard only. AND he doesn't come every week. My neighbor has a lawn guy that comes every single Friday YEAR ROUND!
God bless your children as they bless you!

Sandi said...


You are a superhero.

Ha ha...I never do yardwork. If I didn't have someone to do it, I would be living in a tall jungle!

jel said...

you go girl! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bring it to Florida, ours hasn't been cut in 4 weeks, go go girl

Ginny Hartzler said...

How wonderful!!! I wonder how much business your ex-yard person will lose..

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I purchased a battery-powered lawnmower recently. Best thing since sliced bread!! So light and easy to use.

Marie Smith said...

Great way to get the steps in for sure!

Michelle said...

I have heard wonderful things about electric lawnmowers. Glad to hear that is working out for you! Thank you for linking up.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is so true, there is always something to be thankful for.

LC said...

Look at you. You go girl! Tried to talk Hubby into getting one so I could mow our little plot of St.Augusine lawn,but he is unwilling to take the chance because of my disabilities. ARGHHHH!

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diane b said...

That sure will keep you fit.

Azka Kamil said...

How wonderful!!!

sandy said...

You have a great son!! Glad that you can get those steps in and not get overdone in this heat having to be outside.