Thursday, September 23, 2021


 Thanks everyone for your kind and encouraging comments on my last post.

Yes, it's a New Day today...

I finished my 3 day stint doing eldercare... slept well and ready to face today.

Things went pretty good.  Alzheimer's is such a horrible disease.

Lynne is still in the beginning stages but each time I'm with her there is a bit less of the friend I have known for over 60 years.

Her memory is going rapidly and it makes me so sad.  That causes the everyday routine things more difficult too.

Since she has 20% vision in one eye and NO vision in the other I have begun to notice that there is getting to be more of a disconnect between what she "sees" and what her brain tells her to see and do.

I feel like I have to have 360* awareness to keep her safe and secure.

I know she and I have Guardian Angels there with us as I go through the day.

Changing the subject... here are a few photos for my Photo Challenge from my club.

You may have seen these before but it's all I've got for today.

The challenge was "BACKLIGHTING"

Enjoy your day


jel said...

you are a Angel, helping your friend out,
my mom had Alzheimer's and it is hard to handle, and its very sad.
And ya have to keep and close eye on them.

Loved your pictures, my fav. was the sunflower :)

Sara Chapman in Seattle USA said...

Sending empathy and hugs in your journey with your friend. Your photos are really wonderful. Backlighting rules!

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are glorious, and I don't remember ever seeing them. You sure are an angel to a very needful friend! Who knows what would happen to her without you?

Marie Smith said...

Great photos. I wouldn’t know where to begin with backlighting.

Linda said...

You are an Angel sent from God for your friend. You give so much of yourself in the service of others. I do so hope and I pray that you save some of you - even a little bit - for YOU. God bless you as you have blessed others…..

Ruth Hiebert said...

You definitely are a blessing to your friend, whether she realizes it or not. Amazing pictures.

Hootin Anni said...

Back lighting...extraordinary Sue.

I can't help but repeat do so much good for others!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope you are spending today resting. sorry she is changing now. that is hard to watch. the backlighing is gorgeous and that is my favorite way to take flower photos, with the sun shining through it

Michelle said...

I admire you for taking care of your friend. My grandmother suffered from AD and it is horrible to lose a person that way. Thank you for linking up. Have a blessed weekend.

sandy said...

Those photos are amazing and i especially like the top one - those pinks and oranges...I know someone dealing with a husband who even though he hasn't been formally diagnosed (because they actually told her that they can't really give a diagnosis until they do an autopsy on someone), didn't know that. but it's kind of in the middle and he still has enough memories still available.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Beautiful photos. The top one is my favorite.
Lynne is blessed to have a friend like you. Alzheimers really is a horrible disease, and it must be even harder for her with limited vision. My mother had dementia, and I often wondered what goes through their minds and if they realize what's happening to them. I think they do in the beginning and middle stages, and it must be scary.

LC said...

prayers for you and Lynne. And those photos are worth a repeat engagement!