Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Everyone was so happy that rain was in the forecast ....

It didn't happen!

I have been off line for the last 2 days and today also.

I'm doing 10 hour days of eldercare for my friend Lynne.

The lady that usually comes for those long days is sick and I am the last minute replacement.

Things are going pretty well but they are very long days.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner prep included.

I have to admit I will be glad when today is done and I can get back to my regular schedule.

Happy to have a good paycheck but This old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be..😀

Happy Wednesday...


Hootin Anni said...

Incredible cloud/sky photo Sue!!
We had some rain this morning, but y'all in CA. need it more. Hope some comes soon.

Ya, outside the home work isn't what it once was, I agree. You do so should be proud.

jel said...

sorry ya didn't get any rain,
hang in there,

jel said...

that is a awesome cloud shot!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry your rain did not happen. we had the 4 years of drought, no rain for month after month, about 8 weeks ago it rained and rained and is still raining. yesterday was the first day in months we had a whole day of sunshine. feast for famine. i know you will be happy when today is over

sandy said...

wow, those are long days. Wish we would get rain.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The rain that didn't come, is what we have said almost all summer. I hope you get some precious time to rest after this.

Marie Smith said...

That was a lot to take on, Sue. Glad it all worked out okay. Have a good rest tomorrow.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, those are very long hours. Don't know how you do it.
Super cloud/sky shot. Beautiful!
Happy first day of fall!

Wanda said...

I hear you girlfriend. Caregiving is not for the faint of heart or sissies. I know those long days are hard. Lynn is so blessed to have you.
Been off the computer and fb for longer than I can remember. Just seems no time to sit down and "cruz" around the blogs.
I do like to check on you...haha..We are doing our one day at a time....Don's new issue is Atopic dermatitus. Itchy red patches. No cure...just treatments..creams, etc. Go away in one place and flare up in another. The poor man is enduring testing..but the itch is so miserable. Today was a better day. Trying home remedies too. But even on bad days, God is good every day. His grace is proving sufficient. Wish it was me instead of my dearest!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Here, we have a flood warning, and it has been raining for a long time. Good thing, too, as many of the ponds are dried up.