Thursday, March 11, 2021



Just a quick up date on my Hubby's surgery for his fractured leg.

Thank heavens that part is finally done.

I can't go into all the details but so many in the medical system dropped the ball.

It put so much stress on Dave and myself.  Not a great way to go into surgery.

I'm not sure if he is coming home today or not.

Dave does not take kindly to some of the meds.

This is going to be a very long haul because of the type of breaks.

Just doing basic daily things will be difficult..

I'm not going to dump myself into doom and gloom but this is going to be very hard on us old geezers.

Kind of how I feel this morning...

A little saggy

A little tired and maybe a bit old.

Thanks everyone for your concern.


Martha said...

I'm so sorry to hear it was a fiasco but so glad surgery is done and over with and that he will be ready to go home soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself too through all of this!

Hootin Anni said...

You two continue to be in my thoughts & prayers!! I hope soon, a ray of sunshine will come along & brighten your day. When he's home, I would think (it'd be for me), recuperation will ease the stress on both of you.

Marie Smith said...

I hope your husband gets home soon. Take care of yourself too as you look after him. You’ll get through this together!

Martha said...

I'm so sorry for your troubles. You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
Sending my love to both of you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Praying that each day he will feel better and better and praying for you because coping with an injured husband is going to be really hard and you will end up looking even more like this Barn haha aren't you glad you have optimistic friends?

Ruth Hiebert said...

Praying for both of you. I know this is almost as hard for you as it is for Dave. Make sure you take care of yourself, even while you are caring for him.

Michelle said...

Prayers for you both. I cared for my husband after a severe shoulder injury/repair. Not fun, but we both made it through. The days will pass....just stay positive! Thanks for linking up.

jel said...

thanks for the update, still in my prayers

Shammickite said...

Oh dear, you sound very disappointed with Dave's experience in the hospital. Hospitals are supposed to give us the best help available, not make us worry that things might go wrong. At least the surgery is over and now it's time to start the healing process. Will Dave have some home visits and physiotherapy available? Sending you hugs and healing thoughts from Canada!