Sunday, March 07, 2021



Well Friday started out great and ended up not so good for us.

Our friend came to cut down our tree and long story short...

The large limb being cut had other ideas.

Instead of falling where it it was suppose to it bounced back and hit my Hubby Dave right below the kneecap.

Everything had been done safely, Dave wasn't climbing any ladders or using the chain saw...just being in the wrong place.

911 was called and Dave was taken to ER.

Xrays showed broken bones all around the knee..tibia and fibia...

He is home in an hospital bed and surgery scheduled for Tuesday.

He is in an immobialization splint from thigh to shin on his left leg.

Lots of pain but today is a lot better if he doesn't move.

Ambulance will have to come and bring him back to hospital since he can't bend his leg and no weight bearing...there is no way he could get in our car.

So I am full time nurse along with so much help from my Daughter in Love and her cousin is a nurse practiciner.  She brought over a good bed and all the things necessary for the next 2 months probably of healing.

Things will be a whole lot better once the pins are in place.

Sure not the way we expected to spend our time!

Thank heavens for insurance.  We could never make it through this with out it.

Of course it goes without saying that prayers get us through.  God is good and we know he has all of this right in his hands.

I probably will not be answering many blog comments but just wanted you to know whats going on with us. 

We will continue to travel this Road of Life any way we can.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH! I am so very sorry! Be assured that I will be praying for him, and for the surgery to go well, and for strength for you. Please keep us updated as you are able.

Martha said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this. Prayers on the way! Please keep us posted and let us know how things are going.

jel said...

will be praying for you both

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh my! I will keep you both in my prayers. I guess it could have been even worse, but this is bad enough.

Marie Smith said...

Oh my! There are no words...take care my friends! Here’s to successful surgery snd quick healing. Thinking of you both!

Michelle said...

Wow! So sorry to hear this happened. Things always happen when we least expect them. Prayers for an easy surgery and positive healing.

Hootin Anni said...

Such a traumatic occurrence! Ohmygosh. You're both in my thoughts & prayers. Hope after surgery, healing will be without any setbacks. I can't help but say tho both of you are in pain for different reasons, it could have been tragic!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

So sorry! prayers for the surgery tomorrow and for the rehab at home. Prayers for you and for patience and wisdom to deal with this. I am happy to hear you have help, that is so important. hugs to both of you...

Marie Smith said...

Thinking about you both and hoping things are going as well as can be expected!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sending prayers. I can't believe that happened. I feel so bad for him and all of you. I pray the surgery goes well and that he heals quickly. ((Hugs))

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this. Who would have thought. Life can be so unpredictable.
Prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

Hootin Anni said...

How is it today? Thinking of you both!

Martha said...

Oh, no! Trees are terribly unpredictable.
I hope he heals up quickly.

Shammickite said...

Oh dear, wrong place at the wrong time, as you said. I'm sending good healing thoughts your way, hugs to you both. Not the way you had planned to spend the next few weeks, and yes, thank goodness you have the health insurance.
I hope the surgery is a success and that Dave will be up and about as soon as possible.

Rose said...

I am feeling the pain! That sounds so painful. And miserable. What a thing to.happen.