Sunday, March 14, 2021

Hubby update


Just to let you wonderful friends know that my Hubby Dave is in a short term rehab care facility.

His pain level from surgery and the complete lack of mobility at this time made it impossible for him to come home.

I physically couldn't transfer him out of the bed or to chairs.

We both would have been on the floor.

He's depressed from the circumstances and not being able to go in to see him is hard on all of us.

Then yesterday when our younger son Mark had arrived from Oregon we went to the care facility to bring him a few things.

They made arrangements and rolled his bed from his room to a visitors room and we were able to talk with our phones and see him.

This is going to be a very long haul for all of us.

Our friend George came early Saturday morning and did the final cutting on Dave's nemesis.

And the deed is done!!

Fantastic friends Kim and George...we are forever grateful.

Dave's leg after surgery in the brace from thigh to just above the ankle.  No weight bearing or bending of the knee for a long time.

The facility rolled Dave's bed from his room to a visitors room and we talked to him with our phones.

Dave was so happy that our Son came down from Oregon and he could at least see him through the window.

We were with our other son Steve and daughter in law.  I like the reflections showing the brothers looking at Dave's brace.

I look forward to talking to the Doctors and hearing what the time frame for things will be.

One day at a time!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh my word. my leg is hurting looking at his photo. and to not be able to visit is a horror. that said they do a good job of letting you visit. and all there at one time. I am sure for him it is not just the pain of the leg, but the pain of being away from you and home. men do not do well trapped in beds. prayers for healing and patience and all that you both will need to get through this.

Hootin Anni said...

My heart goes out to you all!! I can feel his pain & misery of being immobile!!!
Keep close & take care of yourself Sue.

Marie Smith said...

Oh Sue. The accident itself was bad enough but with Covid has to be hard for your husband to be away from home and you especially. I can only imagine how you must feel. I hope the healing is as quick as possible.

Take care of yourself too.

Martha said...

I can only imagine how hard this is on all of you! I'm thankful they will at least bring him to the window to visit, some places won't even do that. Glad your son Mark came down too. Like you said, one day at a time. Wishing Dave a speedy recovery!

Shammickite said...

I'm glad he is at a place where he can recover from the surgery and you are able to visit, even if it's just to phone each other through the window. It's hard on everyone, but you couldn't look after him properly at home at the moment. So good for him to see both of your sons, and also good news that the tree is finally dispatched! Keep smiling.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((Hugs)) Praying for Dave. I know it's hard on all of you but thankful he is getting the help he needs. Take care and God Bless.

sandy said...

wow, i'm behind here - i read your posts to catch up with what happened and how things are now. Sorry that he and you are going through this. Hope he heals quick and I know it will be awhile before things are back to normal but praying for his and your comfort and well being.

jel said...

sending prayers and huggs

Wanda said...

OUCH!!!! Poor Dave, not only the pain, that can be reduced with medication, but he mental depression of being alone. I'm so thrilled that you and Mark could see him through the window and talk to him. What a blessing. Sorry, but I had to chuckle at your comment about both of you landing on the floor!! HaHa, sweet Sue, keep your sense of's a must at times like these. Don and I do a lot of laughing too!
Sending love hugs and prayers and hopefully when Dave gets home he and Don can have a nice visit by phone!

Michelle said...

So sorry that you are not able to be with him, but I know he is receiving care that you wouldn't be able to help him with! Glad that you can visit through the window, although not the best. Stay positive and I hope that Dave heals quickly.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh my goodness! He did a good job on that one. i can understand how hard it is for all of you, not to be able to be together. I pray that healing will happen quickly and that the pain will subside .