Thursday, November 26, 2020



Well we finally made it to our USA THANKSGIVING.

The birds in the oven, stuffing has been stuffed, table 's been set. etc...etc...etc.

I'm finally sitting down and having a bit of breakfast and catching up on computer "stuff".

Next I'll be at it again.

There will only be 6 of us family together but we will enjoy just being together.


PILGRIMS   (as John Wayne used to say)

Dave and I wish all of you a very Blessed Day

Kind of feeling a bit Vintage like my "So ugly they are cute" pilgrims today...

Life is different but I choose to say it is Good.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are cute, Pilgrim, I can hear John saying that when I read it and typed it.. Happy Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy your family tonight

Ruth Hiebert said...

Hope your Thanksgiving has been going well . Enjoy all that delicious food.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These pilgrims sure are different, but cute! Looks like your holiday is going smoothly. Good food and family, what else could one want?

Martha said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Marie Smith said...

Love your pilgrims! Enjoy the rest of the Thanksgiving weekend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed your delicious meal. I love your pilgrims.