Tuesday, October 13, 2020



I thought I would post a few more photos from our Saturday visit to the Junkyard.

Part of our Photo Club's get together was doing a photo scavenger hunt.

It was so much fun and gave a real purpose to looking at all the "DEBRIS".

I think I would like to do this challenge on my blog with some of you.

If you are up for the Challenge.

Rules to come in the next few days....as to the kind of things to find and post.

Do you see the "Ant Eater"??

Anyone want to accept a photo challenge?

I will try to post a list of things to photograph tomorrow or Thursday.

Don't forget to enlarge my photos to see the detail.


sandy said...

I'll join in - or attempt to if I remember, lol. Anyway - great photos from the junkyard - so so interesting.
that anteater,, wow...ha.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You have got some interesting photos. I am not usually drawn to old things so I don’t know if I'm up for such a challenge .

Martha said...

I spotted the ant eater right away. Great photos, I love the old motel sign the best! I would love to do your photo challenge. Can't wait for the details :)

Hootin Anni said...

I most Definitely See an Anteater!!! And that 2nd photo of the leaf reflected in the mirror...so very artistic.

Chatty Crone said...

I thought at first it was the trunk of an elephant!

Marie Smith said...

Your group does some fun activities!

Wanda said...

Sue, these are great "still life" photo's. You are certainly showing your talent and your eye in these stunning "junk" pictures. You make junk and trash look so good! My first thought was also a elephant laying down stretching his trunk. But a perfect ant eater.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes I see the anteater and you're an excellent photographer.