Tuesday, August 18, 2020


It's another very hot day today...108F.

This is not my temperature of choice..for sure...

So, I thought I would just post a flower from my archives

to give us something lovely to think about today.

Here's a thought game to get your brain juices flowing today.

Have a great day...


eileeninmd said...


Love the pretty bloom. I like the list of hymns, cute one!

Take care, enjoy your day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this hymn list, it is so funny! I will copy it and put it on our church prayer line!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Every single one of these except for one was in the him know that we sung week after week day after day in church my whole life the one about there's a green hill far away I've never heard of that one but all the rest of them are very familiar and I know the words to a lot of them

Ruth Hiebert said...

That flower is gorgeous The hymns are rather funny.

Hootin Anni said...

shopper's hymn really hits home. lol

The hibiscus is stunning!

Marie Smith said...

That temperature would keep me indoors. Take care.

Chatty Crone said...

The songs were cute!
The flower - don't you just see God in it?

jel said...

LOVE IT!! :)

Wanda said...

Where did Monday, Tuesday and today...go????? I still have my Sunday Post up. Lots going on, which I will share with you soon. Not bad, good, but still in the works.
The flower is lovey, and how fun the Hymns.

sandy said...

funny hymms! they certainly are matched well..lol What a gorgeous bloom.