It seems there are always projects galore around our place.
One of our trees has died and My Hubby was bound and determined to remove it.
So, yesterday became its funeral.
Out came the ladders, ropes for the pulley, saws, and cutters.
At least it wasn't quite as hot as the weekend was...only 96F, instead of 106F.
I was the chief ladder holder, tool giver and rope puller...
We were concerned that the dead top was going to go into the neighbor's house.
We will deal with the lower part of the tree at a later date.
That part seems to have life still in it.
I pulled the ropes when Dave made the final wedge cut .
It came down in our yard exactly where Dave wanted it to go.
I pulled and sprinted back as it came tumbling down.
High Fives all around.
I'm so glad that's over.
Timber! Well done you two. Team work in action.
You guys are brave. I would have called a tree removal company.
It always boggles my mind how guys (Bud too) can study as tree...the fell it right in the spot they calculate!! You and I are the gophers in these projects.
(study a tree. H then fell) I really should proof read before publishing comments.
Wow, I'm glad that all worked out okay for you!
Wow! Skinny, but so tall! What a project! Maybe the lower part will get leaves and be a nice little bushy tree.
I'm happy to hear that this venture was a success. Sometimes a tree being taken down can have a mind of it's own.
Praise GOD!! That was a big job! Your Dave is like my Louis Dean!
Scary things don't seem to scare them!
Why was clapping for the two of you topping that tree and aiming it and having it go where you aimed it and not getting knocked down by a tree falling on you yay and good job!
Glad it went well. Cutting trees down can be a little dangerous!
Your idea of paradise and mine seem to differ....hahaha. Love that picture of Dave letting it all hang out. Hate to say it reminded me of me before getting dressed, haha. So happy it was successful and the tree landed just where to planned and you got out of the way. Hope you are taking it easy today!
well wow, that must have been a job - good for you two - ...
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