Thursday, October 10, 2013


We are hoping to see some Autumn colors like these as we do a
bit of sightseeing over the next few days.

My dear blogging friend Bev is here visiting from Florida.
I hope we can show her some California color.

With so many parks and areas shut down we
may have to resort to the beauty in my own

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Ginny Hartzler said...

These are beautiful, and I hope nature is putting on a wonderful show for Bev! Say hi to her from me!

LC said...

if the photos are from your backyard, Bev will have a colorful visit. Best wishes on good times together.

jel said...

very cool shots.
hope y'all have a good time!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't get any more autumn than those flowers in the first photo. so beautiful. hope you all have fun in spite of the nutcases running our country

Mrs. Me said...

Luckily the government hasn't closed Apple Hill and that's a fun place to visit and experience some fall delights! Have a great visit with Beverly and hopefully we'll get to say hello in person.

Wanda said...

Oh your colors are brilliant!! We are seeing a few. Next week I've got to get over to Desconso Gardens and see what's happening with the trees there.