Monday, October 07, 2013


MANY thanks to MRS. Nesbitt and her fine crew for creating
ABC Wednesday.

This week's letter is " M ".

Last night we had the MOST  MAGNIFICENT sunset.

I just had to share it with all of you.

Here are two MISCHIEF  MAKERS.

These critters ran along the side of the bungalow where we were
visiting our friends last week.

The bears scurried down to the edge of Lake Tahoe.

The one on the left took a quick dip in the lake.

You can see the water dripping from his fur, especially if you
enlarge the photo.

MY Hubby took this shot directly into the setting sun.

It isn't the very best, but now we have an exciting MEMORY.

While up at Lake Tahoe we went on a walk to see the salmon

We were just a week too early, but we did see this little guy
wiggling along.

I wonder what he will look like when he goes through his

We did see plenty of Beaver MUNCHINGS.
I am amazed at the MIGHTY strength of those teeth.

How do the trees remain upright?

I guess the MUNCHED on trees are a sure sign that Winter
is right around the corner.

Be sure to MEANDER over to the ABC link on MY sidebar
to see what others have posted for the letter " M ".

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea a 'munched tree' could be beautiful, it is beautiful and I love it... are those bears? i would die of excitement.. and that is a wild and wooly critter and I have not seen any that color. neon yellow... so you are 10 months older than me, and words of wisdom about what will change in the next 10 months? LOL ha ha ho ho he he.

Anita said...

With the letter prompts, you get to search your brain for a bit of playful prose. Enjoy connecting it to your heartfelt photos.

Wanda said...

I guess you know how much I love your M's today. I was there!!!

I think I'm back to normal enough to get a ABC Wed. Letter M done. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

Creative Tuesday has been cancelled, so I'll have more time for ABC.
Love and Hugs

Ginny Hartzler said...

The bears in the sunlight are a wondrous sight! And I love the cute and colorful caterpillar!

AphotoAday said...

Nice color in that sky!

Merisi said...

The world as seen through your eyes is always beautiful, whatever letter you chose!

Leslie: said...

I've always wanted to go to Lake Tahoe. Glad you had a great time there.

abcw team

Richard Lawry said...

Memorable photos! An Arkie's Musings

Reader Wil said...

I envy you for the bears you saw. We don't have a very spectacular wildlife overhere.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, how DID that tree still stand?!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Indrani said...

I enjoy reading your posts with the meme alphabets. You weave the words well. Great post!

Leovi said...

Exquisite photos! Really very beautiful and creative M!

Photo Cache said...

I second Indrani's comment. You do have a way of weaving words.


Hildred said...

A wonderful collection of M words and their accompanying pictures.

Anonymous said...

Those are Mighty fine M words you have there Missy!
I do not know what kind of wooly worm that one is but it sure is fuzzy, I am told by old wives that is a sign of a cold Winter in store!

Carver said...

Great M words and shots. The sunset was gorgeous. Great to catch shots of the bears. Carver, ABC Wed Team

LC said...

This post was Mighty full of the beautiful and intriguing scenes and critters of God's beautiful world.

ChrisJ said...

Great photos. That beaver must have been hungry and I'm glad the bears weren't!

Hazel said...

Amazing! The beavers did that? I thought it was done by some chain saw! I have never seen bears the way you did. They look fascinating in the sunset.


Ann said...

You always have such interesting and colorful examples of the letter. Those munchie beavers are quite talented-didn't know they could do that much!!

Joy said...

Its a wonderful time of year for sunsets. How marvellous to see bears by the water and the little woolly caterpillar. I wonder if it is a punk rocker:-)

kc bob said...

Much impressed by those beaver munchings!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that would be Bev Whitcomb? she lives just a few blocks from me and we used to go to the same churhch

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that would be Bev Whitcomb? she lives just a few blocks from me and we used to go to the same churhch

Lise said...

I'm amazed that tree is still standing! I enjoyed your M post:)