Monday, October 14, 2013


Here we are NEARLY half way through the alphabet for ABC

The featured letter is " N ".

My Hubby has had this large shell in his collection for many years.

I believe it is a  "NAUTILUS".

I think I will NAME this photo:

NATURE'S Encroachment.

I NEVER tire visiting the High Hand NURSERY and Flower

I will be sharing photos from our latest visit in the coming days.

I am sure you will all be waiting on Pins and NEEDLES for them.

Many thanks to Mrs. NESBITT and her crew for ABC Wednesday.

Be sure to check out the other posts from friends throughout the
Just go to the link on my sidebar.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

i want that pink truck.. love that shot, a LOT.. and the shell is amazing. prettiest pins and needles i have seen in a long time. you did a Nice Post N...Need I say more? Now I leave you with Nite Nite

LC said...

The nautilus enlarged looks like a painting. This post was a visual smorgasbord of vibrant colors, shapes and textures.

Wanda said...

Hi Sue...As always, your "N's" are NICE~ I'm stuck right now looking for N's....Heading to the Dictionary NOW.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm on pins and NEEDLES waiting for the truck NAME!

Unknown said...

Love the outside of this shell! And needles -how could I forget, since I started back up my knitting!

Hildred said...

Very clever use of N - the nautilus is lovely and the pink truck adorable!

Janet said...

I love that truck!

Anonymous said...

love the truck image.

i always wandered what that shell's name.

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for the fabulous N series! Have a great N week!
Thanks for your kind comment on my blog.
Wil, ABCW Team

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos, delightful "Nautilus" !

Leslie: said...

LOVE these photos!

abcw team

Kay L. Davies said...

The nautilus is gorgeous, and I love to see greenery encroaching upon old vehicles, making them part of the landscape.

Gerald (SK14) said...

a nice neat (not) collection - i thought at first nautilus was the name of the nature-entwined truck.

Joy said...

Nautilus is a wonderfully evocative name for a shell and a beautiful object. You have a most industrious group of needles and pins. Loved your photos.

PhenoMenon, ABC Wednesday Team said...

Nautilus? Even Jules Verne wouldn't have pictured it that way. But yeah it does look like a shell. :)

PhenoMenon, ABC Wednesday

Indrani said...

I used to have one like this... it got lost in transition.
Lovely take on 'N'.

MaR said...

Love that huge shell!!

ChrisJ said...

I love the pink truck and the green ivy. It changes what could have been an eye-sore in to a work of art.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wow that truck is fantastic!!