Monday, October 21, 2013


Usually the letter " O " is a difficult ONE to find photos and a story
to post.

OCCASIONALLY something falls right into my lap.

For example, this post.

ORIGINALLY I was going to post about OUR local church
called OLD Saint Mary's.

I think I still will do it

But first...

I want to acquaint you with the OTOW (pronounced O-toe)

My Hubby, OUR visiting blogging friend Beverly and I visited this
place last week.

It was ON the annual Farm and Barn Tour in Placer County, Calif.

This gentleman is named Tosh.

He gave us a wonderful tour of his ORCHARD.

The OBJECTIVE of the visit was to learn all about locally
grown fruit and veggies, especially Persimmons.

I won't go into detail since next week's letter is " P ".

Seeing all the different fruit made OUR trip an OCCASION to

We even got a hayride pulled by the OLD farming tractor.

The ORCHARD is more than an OCCUPATION to the family.
It is their passion and their livelyhood.

Mrs OTOW (96) still works the fruit stand ON some weekends.

Her father Kitchitaro Kawono emigrated from Japan and
purchased the farm in 1911.

They farmed successfully and after Mrs OTOW'S father died
she inherited 25 acres OF the ORIGINAL property.

During the war the OTOWS were interned and would have had
to give up everything.

That included property and all their valuables.

They were so loved and respected by the community and their
farming neighbors that the neighbors made a deal with them.

The neighbors asked the OTOWS to sign OVER their property
and they would return it to them upon their release.

And they did just that.

Now the working farm ships produce all across the U.S.A.

More about this family and their farm next week.

Now ON to OLD Saint Mary's Church.

Rocklin, California's Irish community built the ORIGINALchurch in 1883.

OLD Saint Mary's Church served the congregation for
ONE hundred years.  They then moved to a larger

The OWNERSHIP changed to the Church of Religious
Science and later to the Baptists.
When the Baptists moved ON the church fell into
disrepair just 400 yards from where it now stands.

The Rocklin Historical Society restored the building.

In 2005 the new steeple was hoisted into place and the
entire church was moved to its present position.

OLD Saint Mary's now serves the community as
"OLD Saint Mary's Chapel".

I love the OPPORTUNITY to witness OUR local history
up close and personal.

This lovely chapel is just a mile from OUR home.

Thank you Denise Nesbett for ABC Wednesday.

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kc bob said...

Always love your photos Sue!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

be glad i don't live a mile from that church, you would be bombarded with photos of it. that is one beautiful church and number 7 shot of it is fantastic with the green leaves hanging down.
amazing story of the family keeping there orcard, the people who saved it for them were true honest people. a lovely story and thanks for sharing it

Wanda said...

Oh my, Oh dear, I love all your "O's". I love orchards too, growing up and living for so many years in the middle of them. O's this week are OLD farm equipment. Great minds run in the same direction, huh?

Love you Sue.

Indrani said...

How well you word the posts!
Very nicely done.

MaR said...

Fantastic choices for O, love the orchard. And what a beautiful church!

O is for...

Leovi said...

I love fruit! Wonderful photos!

John Roberts said...

I think the church window is my favorite!

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for sharing this post!
The story of the Otow family is very moving. How great that the community saved their property, and gave it back after the war. That's really wonderful.
Have a great week!
Wil,ABCW Team

Roger Owen Green said...

love old churches, and ORANGES!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

What a gorgeous old church - wish I could worship in a place like that, but I guess God is everywhere. The story of the farm is great - can hardly wait to read next week's post!

ABCW team

Anonymous said...

the picture of the church looks like a postcard. how beautiful.

Jim said...

Great shots.

Kay L. Davies said...

I grew up in orchard country in British Columbia, and many orchardists there were from Japan.
Old St. Mary's Chapel is a beautiful little church. How wonderful that it was restored after being left to fall into disrepair.

Carver said...

You did a great job with O. Wonderful shots.

Ann said...

Whoa-working till 96 at the fruit stand, remarkable. The family sounds like very unique and well liked by everyone.


Rajesh said...

Interestingly put together.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Love how you found the Otow Orchard and worked up the post

Joy said...

I knew the Japanese were interned during the war but not that their property was confiscated. What wonderful neighbours. I do love an orchard and (in anticipation of next week) persimmon). What a lovely old church, your photographs make it looks so inviting.

ChrisJ said...

What a wonderful entry! The photos of the church are brilliant. The story is so heartwarming. I like oranges if they are very sweet and the ones in the store are not sweet enough for me.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a story about the Orchard. That really touches me.

MastHoliday said...

Interesting post with beautiful photos!!
Nice collection of words for letter "O"..

Ajay Kumar said...

Wonderful post!!

Lise said...

Great post, love that old church...and the oryngs at the Otow orchard:)

LindyLouMac said...

A lovely post for ABC Wednesday, I enjoyed my visit to your blog and am now following you. :)

Linnea said...

Thanks for the great tour! What a lovely spot...thanks for stopping by at my O too! Enjoy the week.

Laura said...

beautiful orange-y sky, wow!!!

LC said...

The Otow's part in your community's history highlights a painful chapter in our nation's treatment of fellow Americans. Thank you for sharing a happier instance from the interning.