Thursday, October 20, 2011


Here are several reasons I haven't been on Blogger for a
few days.
My Hubby and I made our fall trip to Lake Tahoe.
The colors aren't quite at their peak yet but to me they
are beautiful anyway.

The blues of the sky and its reflection in the water is so
vivid at the higher altitudes.

The Kokane Salmon have begun their spawn up Taylor

Some of the Aspen trees are loosing their leaves before they
really can show off their finery.
Enlarging these photos will show the detail more clearly.
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Beverly said...

I'm glad you were able to get away. Those photos are a wonderful reminder of my time with you all there last year.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are beautiful!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Such peace in these images...just beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

how could it be any prettier, that is my question and i love the birch trees

imac said...

These shots are super.
Colours are fantastic too.

Dave said...

These photos are great Sue. I specially liked the Mountain shot and the water shot - Dagve

MedaM said...

Absolutely fantastic photos! I enlarged them all to enjoy in their beauty more!

Kekiinani said...

Lovely Tahoe shots. I miss that area it is so pretty. Hoping to come to Calif. soon for a visit. Will keep you posted. Take care. Aloha, Renee

LeenaH said...

Fresh and beautiful autumn photos, Sue!
Thank you for your commenting Ida`s photos, we will look at comments together :)

buy rift account said...

WoW! that was definitely it.

Shammickite said...

Truly gorgeous. You live in a lovely part of the country.

Hilary said...

Oh what a beautiful spot. Your photos make me want to be there.

John Roberts said...

I hope you're hanging the top one!