Monday, October 24, 2011


I'm taking the OPPORTUNITY to be a little
OBTUSE with my letter " O " OFFERINGS this week.
This number ONE photo I've titled
"Looking inside at the OUTSIDE."
The picture is a bit OBSCURE but I like its
ODD look.

This photo is " OFFICIALLY" called
"ON the OUTSIDE, looking inside at the


Here is an OUTSTANDING young photographer who
happens to be ONE of my Granddaughters.
I think she's ONE in a million.


The ORANGE fish is part of the OUTDOOR playground.
I've OBSERVED kids ON more than ONE OCCASIONenjoying every moment they played OVER, under, around and
through it.
No OBLIGATION but please go to the ABC link ON my
sidebar to see what others have OPTED to post for the
letter " O ".

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Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the big orange fish, and I'm dying to know what the first picture is, it's totally cool!

Olivier said...

j'aime beaucoup le reflet dans la vitre

jane said...

A great selection of O pictures - thar first pic looks quite challenging - love the looking inside from the outside - have a got that right! Jane UK

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that outstanding photographer, adorable and love that door shot. wow on that one. still trying to figure out the first O, but it is cool

AphotoAday said...

"O" what a great shot -- the reflection in the glass of the "O"ld timey stuff...

imac said...

Bit fishy on the play area,lol.

Just love the other 2 pics too, very neat.

LC said...

This collection is one of my favorites from this alphabet series. loved them all! But . . . I still can't figure out the first one.

Have mercy, Sue! Tell us, do!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful usage of words and images.

VioletSky said...

I like obtuse and obscure photos! Well done.

Nanka said...

Loved the O pictures and Oh! the young photographer looks very engrossed!! The oddity is simply marvelous just what children would just want for play!!

J.Rylie.C said...

Outstanding indeed!

Please come and take a look at my O entry, have a good day!

::: said...
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MaR said...

Love the first picture! and great choices as always.

O is for..

Roger Owen Green said...

great verbiage.
especially like the first pic.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

Outstanding and original take on the letter O. I love all the shots but the first, second and the one of your granddaughter are my favorites.

Francisca said...

Original and Outstanding, even an Obscure One! And your Objective Opinion is Oh so right On!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

OK-what is the obscure shot of??I'm curious and I love it! The second one I recognize as Bodie and what a lovely granddaughter you have!

Reader Wil said...

As always a great collection of the letter that is having its turn. Clever you! I wish you a great week.

Leslie: said...

As usual, a great post! Have an outstanding week,

abcw team

mrsnesbitt said...

Denise ABC Team

Chubskulit Rose said...

That first outdoor sot is beautiful and so is your granddaughter!

Learn some Filipino custom and words with my O entry. Come and see.

Rinkly Rimes said...

What a great collection of 'O's' I particularly liked the window shot.

Dave said...

Interesting photos Sue. I couldn't understand what the first one was (pipe?), but liked the second one. It was unusual. Liked the coloured 'fish' too - Dave

Ingrid said...

Wow ! so many O words ! I should have looked here before raking my brain for O's !!
ABC Team

say cheese said...

great photos i love them all and nice presentation of O

Joy said...

Love the colours in your abstract first; the door view reminds me of those Magritte painting done from the inside in front of the view. Your granddaughter is truly following in your footsteps.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's a grandparent's job to be objective about their grandchildren and you have done a fine job. :)

The door shot is fabulous!

Tumblewords: said...

The first image is outstanding! I love it. The granddaughter, of course, is beautiful. The orange fish looks like a blast to play in around, over and under. Great post!

Anonymous said...

Oh my lots of Os and good Outstanding pictures

Pheno, ABCW Team

Hilary said...

As always, amusing and fun. I'd love to see the photo that your granddaughter took that day. ;)

Unknown said...

lovely pictures, coming from ABC Wednesday,
My Third Eye

Mildred said...

An outstanding post for O day with wonderful shots! Bravo!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy weekend****

MedaM said...

Great series of „O“ photos, as always. I especially like the two first photos. A big girl your lovely granddaughter, outstanding photographer, indeed.
Have a nice weekend,