Monday, October 17, 2011


at Disneyland.
Her NOSE was in such a NOBLE pose.
NATURALLY her NASEL tones were NOT too pretty.

While in the Old Town NEIGHBORHOOD of Orange, CA.,
I NOTED this display of NOSTALGIA.
I waxed NOSTALGIC for Beemans Pepsin Chewing Gum
and Black Jack too.
NOT much NUTRITION but quite NUMMY flavors.
Do you recognize any of the gum NAMES?

I found it NECESSARY to add the NOTION of NONSENSE
to this post.
If you get down to the NITTY Gritty of it
Don't we all NEED some NUTTINESS in our lives?

I'm NEARLY finished.
The last photo is a rather NOVEL one for me to post.
Here are a NUMBER of NUDES in NASHVILLE, Tennessee.
Apparently they are NIMBLE and dancing au NATURAL.
I wish I had the NECESSARY information about these
NAKED cavortors.
Don't NEGLECT to go to the ABC link on my sidebar and
NOTE what others have posted.
I am posting early since I'm going on a daytrip to see
NATURE at the Lake.
Hopefully I will NOTICE Fall foliage and the Mama Bear
and her two cubs.
They NEED the NUTRITIOUS vitamins from the Salmon spawn.
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Olivier said...

bientot Halloween, j'adore la citrouille ;o))

Wanda said...

Oh how I love your's so fun to see your great pictures, and then read the clever narrative you put with it.

LC said...

Especially enjoyed the nanny and the nerdy pumpkin.

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Amazing composition. NICELY written!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I do remember the gums, that really makes me old! Would love to know about the frolicking nudes, was there no plaque? Perhaps a moon festival, or hippies.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that first photo is one of my all time favorites you have ever posted. i love goats and this one with her nose in the air is just precious. great capture. and lots of nice nanny N's

Nanka said...

As always a whole lot of interesting snap shots. Loved the nutty professor pumpkin :)

kc bob said...

You do such a great job with the alphabet Sue!

Roger Owen Green said...

nostalgia seems to be a dominant theme this week.

but you have a nice mix of other concepts too!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Roy Schulze said...

As I said on another blog that covered "nostalgia:" my ABC Wednesday this week, Neil Armstrong, is more or less rooted in the pressent, but all too many of my other stories there are just steeped in the stuff.

Kay L. Davies said...

Lots of nice N words and photos!

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

Shammickite said...

You've really overdone yourself with N words this time... great job! That's a very handsome nanny goat and the pumpkin is sweet!

Kathy said...

Love that nanny pic!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Need I say more? You reign supreme with your nostalgic narratives!

Dave said...

I specially liked the pumpkin head and the nudes' sculpture. That was great! - Dave

Dawning Inspiration said...

Lovin' the Nanny!!!! and the rest, too!

Gattina said...

Lots of N's !
Love the first picture
ABC team

Chubskulit Rose said...

Just like Wanda, I always love your Ntry! I have sme of your words in my entry too.

Nostalgic, is one of my ABC entries. Come by any time you get a chance. Have a great day!

MaR said...

eNjoyable and nifty post!!
N is for...

Chronicles of Illusions said...

great post !!!

Tumblewords: said...

Terrific Tahoe and N images. I remember thinking there was nothing in the world better than Black Jack gum. Wrigley did a rerun on it a decade or so ago and it wasn't nearly as perfect as I used to think it was. :)