I think my Hubby took some wonderful photos of our
walk in the woods at Lake Tahoe.
The leaves didn't have their usual pazazz but they were
Still beautiful.
The spawning salmon love the deep pools created by the fallen
The rich afternoon sun gave a golden glow to everything.
Enlarging the shots will show the detail better.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Nice job. Looks like it was a beautiful day.
I love that first picture with the little fence, and the beautiful yellow leaves. Hope you have a great weekend, too!
what a glorious Nature walk you have taken me on to enjoy God's beautiful world. Thank you so much. Sue.
They are so beautiful - love that last one with the rustic fence!! So pretty!
My choice is the stream with the fallen tree. Pretty neat.
Your pictures make me want to visit Lake Tahoe.
You tempted to cross the creel walking the fallen tree trunk?
I like to report an anonymous comment that I have been getting on my blogs which is offensive to half the American population. I am not American, and is still very angry with it. I have deleted the comment on my blogs, and I wonder if you have received any. I won't bother to mention the name because that would promote him further.
A lovely walk, Sue. Such beautiful sights to see this Autumn. Thanks for sharing your holiday walk.
I just love your photos - I could not imagine that this kind of views can be seen there. Thank you for teaching me :)
Good weekend to you and yours Sue!
nothing better than sunshine and trees and a fence thrown in.
Great photos of your walk, most enjoyable.
he did a great job!
my fav. is the third one down :)
Looks like the leaves are changing colors. Very lovely Tahoe shots!! Can't wait till I get back at Thanksgiving!! Hope all is going well with you. Aloha, Renee :)
Wonderful place and wonderful photos indeed! I completely enjoyed especially when I enlarged every photo.
Wow! These are gorgeous!
#4: Frame it!
These are all nice photos Sue. Iether you or Hubby are good photographers
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