Saturday, February 19, 2011


Its been raining for so long and so hard.
It hasn't deterred the Almond tree from doing its thing though.
I'm so happy the blossoms have remained on the tree this year.
Perhaps we will even have Almonds this time.
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Beverly said...

Oh, those are SO gorgeous.

Wanda said...

Oh now I'm really missing our little town of Hughson, up North. This time of year all the roads are lined with Almond Orchards, blooming their hearts out. What a sight!

Your blooms are just lovely.

Unknown said...

Wow. So totally gorgeous! : ) Seriously. stunning! So happy you are getting spring already!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Wow, that's beautiful. Can't wait for the trees to bloom around here.

Cheryl Ann said...

Yes, the almond trees up at the horse ranch are blooming, too! Aren't they beautiful? Makes me want to go out and get some for the desert!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've never seen an almond tree! So beautiful. Do you get almonds very often?

John Roberts said...

This isn't fair - blooms like that in February!

Hilary said...

Oh they're so lovely. Our branches are white with snow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is my first almond blossom, never really thought about how they grow. this is beautiful. hope you get lots of almonds. last year we had tons of blossoms on our avacado tree, and only 2 fruit. the year before not many blossoms and about 20 fruit.

Amanda said...

These are really beautiful, lucky you!

AphotoAday said...

Oh boy, is that ever pretty!

kc bob said...

Simply beautiful Sue!

Merisi said...

Just gorgeous!
So good to hear that the rain did not wash out the bloom and that they have a chance to bear fruit!

ruthinian said...

simply awesome. can't wait for all the flowers to bloom. so tired of snow.

Serline said...

Didn't know the Almond bore such beautiful blooms... hope you do get some almonds soon!

LC said...

The abundance of blossoms is amazing. I have seen almond trees from a distance but have never been in "almond country" in the springtime. So beautiful! Do they smell as wonderful as they look?

EG CameraGirl said...

I hope you get almonds too! The blossoms are sooo pretty!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Those are stunningly gorgeous! Wow!

Johnny Nutcase said...

oh man! that's gorgeous!! I bet that smells just awesome, pretty photo!

Francisca said...


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

lovely, lovely, lovely! .....i cant wait for spring to be here...