I have ENTERED an ECLECTIC selection of " E " words for
ABC Wednesday this week.
The first photo shows an EWE EAGERLY EATING her EXCEPTIONALLY simple meal.
Here we have some hardboiled EGGS I ENDEAVORED to make into
EGG-salad sandwiches EARLIER this morning.
Nothing EARTHSHAKING about the cut up EGGS,
just good yummy taste.
I found an EASY recipe for chicken ENCHILADAS.
They looked so ENTICING
I had to make them for our Valentines Day Dinner.
Hubby and I really ENJOYED them so much.
The definition of ELDERLY is... past middle age, (according to my old dictionary).
I think of ELDERLY as being really old and dottering.
This man definitely does not fit that description.
This is my Daughter in Law's Dad.
He turned 90 EARLIER last year.
Talk about a man full of ENERGY.
He has an ENERGETIC handshake too.
ENGAGING him in conversation about his childhood
or some of the EXCITING ELEMENTS of his life,
will keep him going like the ENEGIZER Bunny.
I ENVY his spunk and hope I can be like his "EXAMPLE" of being ELDERLY.
EASE on over to the link on my sidebar to see what EVERYONE ELSE has ENTERED for ABC Wednesday.
ENLARGING EACH photo will show more detail.
Well, today's post is certainly enticingly exceptional, exhuberant, exemplary,and enthusiastic!! Plus I just plain like it!!
belle selection
excellent choice for E. love that sweet little black leg Ewe. i ma in the E for elderly part.
Oh my! I have been thinking about egg salad lately and your middle E has just whetted my appetite even more for this childhood favorite!
Extraordinary, enticing and excellent as always. Those eggs and enchiladas made me hungry!
Oh my goodness I love all your "E" words and pictures..
One of my pictures is Enchiladas, but my recipe uses a cream sauce instead of the trational red sauce.
Looks yummy.
I will have to post later today, as this is Mr. Toast's Theme Tuesday.
Love and Hugs
A large collection of the E-Words today and I am Envious of the Energetic Elderly :) Egg-cellent!!
What a terrific, fun, interesting collection of words/pics for the E Day! I love them!! Hope your week is off to a great start! You've surely started mine off great!! Enjoy!
ABC Team
Wow, "ewe" certainly have some great E photos, but I'm particularly impressed with the energetic 90-year-old. I also take exception to "elderly" meaning past middle age. I might be an unfit 64-year-old, but I am most definitely not elderly, although I'd love to have the vim, vigor and vitality of that 90-year-old gentleman!!
-- K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
AS great E post, and I do admire your Example of Elderly, - a fine looking man and very Energetic.
I enjoyed all of the photos, esp. the first and last. When I look at the lamb, I shudder and wonder why it's my favorite cut of meat. and then on the last, I smile because he is the antithesis of my photo for today!
What a great post. Very eclectic and interesting.
Always Enjoy your photographic Eye Sue!
Thanks for the tribute to the, energetic elderly people. Your food looks very enticing!I wish I could taste it!!
ELABORATE use of the E. excellently done.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Love your collection!
The Ewe photo is Excellent
An Arkies Musings
I always like your posts I don't know how you think up all the E words and come up with a story. Very creative.
You have done yourself really well such excellent choice of words.
Very grand choice of words.
Excellent collection of E words.
Always encouraging to see a good example of ageing gracefully, often wonder what I would be like as an elderly...
The enchiladas look perfect! And I think that elderly gets older every year, doesn't it?
A lovely post! I can't believe mhe is almost 90! Great photos for the week!
You play so well with this letter E.
Brilliant set of words and I'm really curious about the Chicken Enchiladas, hmmm yummy!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg
Truly an inspirational example of what we can be even in our elder year! Great post! Handsome man!
A cross-section of your life in words and pictures. Thank you.
Such a collection of 'E's!! With you and Wanda both posting about enchiladas I'm getting hungry for some.
EXCELLENT post, i really ENJOYED reading it :-)
What time is lunch?
Dad-in-law looks like a very energetic man, I bet he can really entertain you with his conversation and his memories. Ederly people have such a lot to offer.
and I really like egg salad sandwiches.... mmmm.
Absolutely wonderful photos -- I wnated to dig right into the enchiladas!
And despite your wonderful complement on my E-day blog, I believe you have edged me out for the most E's in a post. Well done!
HelenMac, ABC Wednesday TEam
Some great E's there!
Great food pics and love the photo of that vibrant-looking gentleman. WW II generation. Fantastic.
A tasty post. I love eggs in any form, versatile and yummy.
Great collection of E words!
I can't add much to Ginny's comment! Seriously, I think you are the Queen of ABC Wednesday... And I agree your daughter's dad-in-law is NO elderly. Could we but all pass the years so energetically!
Enjoyed your post. Especially the "elderly" guy. May we all have him as a role model when we reach his age.
I think I need the recipe for those enchiladas. They look so yummy! It was fun to see a picture of my dad on your blog "doing his thing". He is probably talking about a happy time in his past with that big smile on his face. :O)
In years he is considered Elderly but in person he certainly is not!
He's a great example of life lived well.
okay so there was not much of a smile in this photo when i looked back but he is happy, I can tell.
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