Monday, February 21, 2011


Doesn't time go FAST?
We are already at the letter " F " of the alphabet.
Now, I could FABRICATE all types of
FANCY stories FOR the FIRST (F)hoto.
The truth is, this FURRY FOUR eyed FICTITIOUS creature
was on a large poster at FANTASTIC Disneyland.
He is FROM the movie Monsters Inc.

Please enlarge this picture
to see the FOAMY, FIZZY waterFALL
down the FAKE FLUME-like FJORD.

I am FASCINATED by this egg FANTASY.
Looking at this little guy FILLS me with a FEELING of FELICITY.

Aren't the speckled FINS beautiful?

Do yourself a FAVOR
and FIND your way over to the ABC link on my sidebar.

Quit FIDDLING around so you can see what the
FANTASTIC FOLKS have posted for the letter " F ".

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Wanda said...

Oh goodie.... I get to be first this time to see your Fabulous F's.

Watched Monsters Inc. with grandsons. Cute movie.

Love all you pictures as ususal. You are a pro at this!!!

Unknown said...

You are so good at coming up with words to match our letters.
Seriously. Out of this world great!

Hilary said...

Another Fine collection of words and images. That egg is intriguing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love all your pictures, they are FABULOUS!!! Especially that waterfall, is it a waterfall? Where on earth is it?

Carola said...

Your post is fascinating. I like your mix up F

LC said...

Favorite is waterfall. My husband loves capturing water images with a slower shutter speed that shows the flow. I like yours that is a moment in time with the individual drops captured like little jewels.

Nanka said...

A flurry of 'F' words and fantastic (F)otos!!

Richard Lawry said...

My my, sooooo many "F's. I did enlarge the foamy fizzy waterfall and it was Fantasticly Fabulous

An Arkies Musings

Willa said...

You have a Fabulous set of F's!!! :)

Cezar and Léia said...

OMGOD that picture with flowers in your previous post is FANTASTIC! :)
Hello there, congratulations, always a perfect post for ABC day,and among the fabulous words that you use here, I love FAST, when you say "Doesn't time go fast?"...I totally agree! :)
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Reader Wil said...

Perfect F words and I love the FOAMY, FIZZY waterFALL!

Roger Owen Green said...

I;'m most FASCINATING by the FLOW from the waterFALL. FIERCE!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

MadSnapper n Beau said...

instead of felicity the egg thingy is a little Frightening to me. good job as always

EG CameraGirl said...

Fantabulous post filled with fun fotos, Fotowannabee Photowannabee.

Tumblewords: said...

Terrific narrative and totally awesome photos! The egg is a smash! :)

Leslie: said...

What a fabulous post, as usual. I just love coming by to see what you've come up with each week! Love your fotos! Have a great week,


Gee, even the word verification starts with an "f" today! lol

Barbara said...

Fine set of photos for F

kc bob said...

'F'abulous pics Sue!

Joy said...

Glad to hear that it is not a secret door in your house, might be scary. Love the waterfall, what amazing rock formation, super photo.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love that egg!! It's fabulous!

Carver said...

Wonderful job with the letter F. I enjoyed all these fantastic words and photographs.

Rajesh said...

Hey! great choice.

ChrisJ said...

You are just too good at this game! :} Beautiful waterfall.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Charming photos for F. Well done.

Self Sagacity said...

Fabulous F words, and your photos are very well done as well.
Thanks for visiting.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Tee,hee! Too funny! But, you know, I thought that first one was a front door...

Gemma Wiseman said...

A post load of "f" words! All woven together in a fun way! And a great collection of photos!

jabblog said...

Fabulous Fs! The trout truly is beautiful.

Vicki said...

Great pictures! Especially love the waterfall photo. Fun take on the letter "F"!

MaR said...

Fascinating post for F, love your collection of wors!! fun-tastic!!
F is for fuchsia"

Yoshi said...

Egg photo is my "F"avorite! So lovely:)

Amanda said...

A great array of 'Fs'!

Hildred said...

Marvelous F's - you have a great imagination. Love the last little fellow.

srp said...

What a great post and pictures to match... I love the is truly fantastic!

LisaF said...

Your fotos always make me smile! What a FUN mix of fabulous Fs.

Ingrid said...

What a nice selection of "F"s !

Francisca said...

Fun, Fabulous and Fantastic. The Falls, especially Fully enlarged, is Fantasmagoric!

lazyclick said...

Great stuff.