Monday, February 28, 2011


GATHER around folks for the next GALLERY installment
of the letter " G ".
and to me, a rather
GROSS and GRIM GUARDIAN of the Winery Castle.
GRANTED, its just my opinion.

I liked the perspective of the GREEN GROUNDCOVER
between the GARDEN-like rows of GRAPEVINES.

They were not yet dressed for Spring.
I seem to GRAVITATE towards
scenes like this one.

As I GAZED at the GRAND view the fog GRADUALLY lifted
and I could see a GEM of a lake and the GLORIOUS mountains
covered in snow.
Be sure to enlarge each photo to see the detail better.

We found this GENUINE logo on the front of an antique stove.
The GREAT Western Stove was being used as a planter.
It was a pretty GOOD use for the appliance.
GIDDY-Up over to the link on my sidebar to see what the
GANG has GATHERED for ABC Wednesday Letter " G ".

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Ginny Hartzler said...

I think my favorite picture is actually the stove logo! I would love to see a picture of the stove being used as a planter.

Olivier said...

La gargouille est magnifique, et en plus elle ferait peur ;))

Hilary said...

You did another Grand job. Love the foggy view and the garish gargoyle.

Dave said...

I liked your gargoyle Sue - a real beauty - dave

Andy said...

Gee whiz. Great post for "G" day.

Merisi said...

GGGGreat, wonderful G's, Sue! :-)

Thank goodness, we had French Toast for breakfast, otherwise seeing your breakfast fare in the previous post would have sent me to the kitchen! ;-)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is so great you gathered gorgeous gifts for us to gaze upon.

LC said...

It is already getting a little warm for me here on the coast in Mississippi, so I enlarged your lake pix and enjoyed a cool breeze and beautiful scenery. Thanks for my little trip!

MaR said...

Love gargoyles and grapevines!! glorious choices and pictures for G!
G is for...

Nanka said...

Great Grim Gargoyle and loved that Grand scenery!!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what a great collection of G words for the G day, Sue! Love the gargoyle and such great scenery -- particularly that foggy shot!! Hope you're enjoying a wonderful week!

ABC Team

Roger Owen Green said...

I find gargoyles fascinating; don't know why...
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

??? said...

I love gargoyles and you captured a very cool one.

Gigi Ann said...

You always have such a great post on each ABC Wednesday day. And again today you did a great job.

Tumblewords: said...

As always, your narrative is a delight and your photos superb! A GRAND G post...

Anna said...

Enjoyed your take on the letter G. That gargoyle is a fine fellow!
P.S. The word verification is most appropriate for this week - it's grerge :)

Jane and Chris said...

I find gargoyles really creepy...vineyards and the end product however...!
Jane x

Wanda said...

I'm giggling...because you just get better, week after week. I'm loving your G's this week, big time.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful images. You always come up with some words that are very new to me.

Carver said...

Gorgeous shot of the mountains. The gorgoyle guarding the winery castle would scare me off. Great shots!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your G post very much, and you just made me hungry for Pancakes too!

And that Gargoyle made me think of the ones that I had seen in the comedy movie of Ghost Busters.

Reader Wil said...

Gargoyles and Green Men are both architectural symbols and supposed to be guardians. I am really interested in these symbols.
Great post!

Cezar and Léia said...

I can't choose, all your choices for this G day are perfect!You play so well with your words and your pictures are magnificent!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Kate said...

Gargoyles always remind me of Paris and Notre Dame. Sigh!

EG CameraGirl said...

Great gargoyle!I like the idea of a stove planter. A few years ago. a neighbour gave one away. I wanted to take it but my usually-good-natured husbands wouldn't let me take it. I bet it looks fabulous in someone else's garden. :)

Yoshi said...

Lots of G's and good capture of statue, nature and sky!

Janet said...

I have to agree with you about gargoyles! Perfect for G Day.

Barbara said...

Grand set of G photos, I like the foggy view best.

srp said...

I wish we had views like this close to us.... guess I will have to travel west to find them.

annies home said...

cool pictures love the gargoyle and the logo

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

What a WONDERFUL gargoyle! I have gargoyle envy! None really exist here except come Halloween when you see them for sale.

Cildemer said...

Great choices for G day! Enjoyed your post very much!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful shots! The gargoile is magnificient. Love it;o)

Have a nice day****

Gerald (SK14) said...

I've got a few gargoyle photos - must remember to dig them out for the next round.

Mike's Travels said...

I love the Lake view... it looks almost English, apart from the snow capped mountains, although we do have some of those too.