Saturday, February 26, 2011


Our yummy breakfast this Saturday morning.
Eat your heart out ...McDonalds.
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mrsnesbitt said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! We are having chicken with an awesome risotto tonight - I know it will be awesome cos it's a M&S ready meal deal! lol!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like someone's a copycat! When can I come over Sunday morning?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yuuuummmmmeeee! i want one of those egg non mickey de muffins. is that pancakes? or some kind of bread? or just what daddy called ho cake

LC said...

Hey, that looks a lot like what hubby Walter served up this morning. . . except he was serving it up to our daughter-in-law and four grands in addition to me! Delish meal and delish photo! Have a great weekend!

jel said...

that looks good enough to eat :)

Wanda said...

One of my and Don's favorites... the homemade kind... you're look really good...yumm sausage!

Unknown said...

This looks so delicious. I love your plates. They made me miss my Grandma.

kc bob said...

I treat Ann to homemade bacon, eggs, hash-browns and toast on Saturday mornings. It is one of our rituals. Homemade waffles tomorrow. :)

Hilary said...

Well that's much more than my usual cup of tea or coffee.

Anonymous said...

I see you commenting on AphotoAday all the time and thought I would check out your blog. I like what I saw, going back past the beginning of the year, and am joining the club as a follower. Did not know of the castle in Napa and have lived in Sonoma county for nearly 40 years! Thanks for that. Liked the wedding shots. You've got 4 years on us. Have a good weekend and enjoy this sun. The rains are coming again.

Tim said...

Pancakes and sausage! You are making me hungry. :)

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

haha! Have you seen their new ads recently...they are so promoting theire new "healthy" fare! I would go with yours too...only, I'll add their new caramael mocha latte to it ! :)