Thursday, March 03, 2011


I've been digging back into my archives for something to post.
Seems everyone around me is sick with a virus going around.
I haven't been on a photo shoot for a while.
Just trying to take it easy and out of Germs way.
This shot is from a trip to New York City a few years ago.
I love all the fire escapes and the angles in this shot.
Please enlarge this to see the detail.
Have a great weekend everyone.
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Dave said...

Yes, it looks interesting enlarged Sue - Dave

Olivier said...

j'adore ces vieilles maisons new yorkaises avec ces escaliers anti incendie, je m'imagine dans "west side story" ;)

LC said...

The windows and the color of the brick with the white also makes this an art photo for sure. Great archive diving!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a cool shot, and i really like it, i did enlarge and there is a lot of beauty in all these old buildings. i am thinking that is somekind of flag that is wrapped around the pole. at first i thought laundry, but no, it is not. plus i would NOT want to climb up or down the fire escapes

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


love your words.
fun post.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

awesome! One look at it and you know itsstaright from NYC! :)

Andy said...

Extremely impressive. Very eye catching.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I would have passed this right by, but you saw the possibilities in it. An amazing shot. Love the lines, colors, and angles.

mrsnesbitt said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been well Suzan - consider yourself hugged xxxx

Phil said...

Is that Green Street or, at least, somewhere near there?

It really captures the essence of New York City.