Since I haven't gotten my house decorated yet,
I thought I would post some pretty baubles to get myself motivated.
Here's hoping it works.
I'm having so much fun looking at the world through the lens of my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3. I will share my world of Rocklin, California and points North, South, East and West. Come and enjoy with me.
I think I would just mat and frame that picture and hang it in my living room.
Enjoying your pictures on fb.
That's lovely. I guess if you can't decorate your house, you might as well decorate the blog.
I have pictures of Ella's Christmas program on my blog...thanks to Ginny.
Very pretty! That isn't so bad. I ordered my cards, and still haven't gotten them, and not done shopping and only half of the gifts I have are wrapped. I will remain calm if I have to SCREAM!
That's a beautiful Christmas card!
Hey, if I don't talk to you before then, here's a big Merry Christmas from Don and Kitty.
better hurry, time is speeding at the speed of light, and 15 days will flash buy before you know it. nice baubles, hope they inspire you
It looks so lovely. Our cat has broken 18 ornaments and knocked the tree over 4 times. I think I am going to give up soon :(
I'll bet that worked.. did it?
Maybe it will help me get my rear in gear as well!! Beautiful!
A nice picture Sue. That should help us all with our motivation! - Dave
That is such a lovely image and certainly inspirational!
Beautiful decorations; they make this photo lovely, colorful and festive!
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